9: Remember Protection Is Key.

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- Hey guys! BEFORE YOU READ! I need you guys to know that the next chapter is going to be kind of like an epilogue. So that means the next chapter will be the finale of this book! It's going to be my first ever COMPLETED book! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy these final chapters! I'm still deciding if I want a sequel or not...You guys can tell me in the comments! -

Y/N's P.O.V

It's been a couple months since we..you know..did the dance with no pants and all has been fine. We have done it quite a lot since which is what has got me quite worried right now.

Knowing me, I didn't check for condoms, I left that to Simon seeing as I thought he wouldn't want a chile just yet and so I assumed he would wrap it up, but today and the past month has made me come to the conclusion that he might not have wrapped it up every time.

Basically what I'm saying is that I might be pregnant. Would I be mad if I was? No. Would Simon be mad if I was? Now that's a different story.

I'm 20 right now and honestly I wouldn't mind if I had a child this early, but Simon on the other is the problem. I was thinking about buying the rest, coming back here and somehow secretly take the test.

It's about 3pm right now and so Simon's just editing but I know for a fact he won't notice me. Sounds bad but I love how much he focuses on his work. It's really cute.

What I'm also scared about is the fact that we've only been dating for like 6 months, and now I might be pregnant. This is insane.

Telling Simon that I needed to run to target for a quick little shopping spree, I headed to my car and backed out the drive way.

Making it to target, I hop out of my car and race my way towards the pregnancy test isle and pick the first response, 2 in 1 pack. It comes with the normal dye test and the digital for reassurance.

I bought the tests and made my way back home with a racing heart. I swear to god, I could have a panic attack right now.

Running inside the house, I began making my way up the stairs but I was trying to act normal. Not out of place.

Making it to Simon's room, as I predicted he was sitting at his desk, editing some videos. He didn't even realise me walking into the room. I made my way to the bathroom and successfully was able to shut the door without him noticing.

Taking out the test, I began reading the instructions. Knowing earlier today that I was planning to do this, I had drunk a lot of water to make sure I need to pee. I understand that morning pee is the best to test with, so if it comes out negative I will take another one tomorrow morning. If positive, I will take the digital to make sure it's not a false positive.

I sat on the toilet and began doing my thing. This is harder than it looks by the way. They don't tell you how hard it is to pee on a stick.

After I had finished, I did my usual stuff as if I had just taken a normal pee and whilst washing my hands, I had set the test over on the side. It only takes about 5 minutes to complete so I doubt Simon would come in.

Walking out into Simon's room, here he is still editing. Thank goodness.

--------------- Time Skip ---------------

It's now been five minutes and I walk back into the bathroom only to come back to a positive test.

My jaw hits the floor as I finally realise that I'm going to be a mother. That's when the smile kicks in.


Calming myself down, I grab the test and bring it out to Simon straight away. I'm so scared.

I put the test in my back jean pocket and tap Simon's shoulder. He turns around to face me with a smile on his face.

"Si, I gotta tell you something." I said with a serious face.

"What's up babe?" He asked, he looked kind of worried.

"Okay. Well this past month, I haven't gotten my period and I've been vomiting a lot." I said, I was hinting at the pregnancy symptoms.

"..yeahhh...??" He said with a questioning look.

"Well, here's why.." I said whilst I pulled out the pregnancy test. I gave it to him and what I was expecting was him to burst out in a fit of rage and say that it wasn't true, but I was met with teary eyes.

"Is this true?" He asked as he was on the verge of crying.

"Yes." I said back also on the verge of crying.

After that we both bursted into tears and he hugged me. Being sure to watch my stomach as he did so.

"Wait so your not mad?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug and whipped my tears away.

"No, why would I be mad!? I'm so happy!" He said as he did the same thing.

We hugged again and kissed for the next couple minutes. All of these thoughts come bursting through my head. Thoughts like, where is the baby going to sleep? Is it a boy or girl? Names? God parents? Middle names? Ect..ect.

Pushing those aside for now, we don't need to think about that just yet, we have at least 8 or more months left until this baby arrives. We can figure it out once everyone knows about it.

We stopped hugging and decided that Simon need a day off anyway and so we both jumped into bed, Simon cuddling my side whilst resting his hand on my stomach. I can't believe that we are gunna be parents.

- PROTECTION IS KEY KIDS...unless you want a kid. Anyway, next chapter will be an epilogue and then this book is over. 😭😢😰😱 -

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