Chapter 2

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Draco, was walking down the narrow hallway of the express, trying to find an isolated compartment.
"Ron stop!" He heard shouting, undoubtably a female...wait, it was Granger.

"Hermione come on!" That was undoubtably Weasley.

"No! Ron let go of me!" She shouted.

"Hermione, we have plenty of time."
There was grunts and a lot of shuffling, then a smack. "Bloody hell, 'Mione !"

The door burst open and Draco stared as the pair move towards him. He then ducked into a empty compartment, leaving the door open, so he could listen and peek out into hallway. Their lips were bruised, hair messy and Grangers robes were untidy. There was also a red hand print on the Weasel's face.

"I am not some slag that you can just shag whenever you have an itch!" Granger screamed, and Draco flinched from the language she used.

"Well, I'm sorry! I guess I picked the wrong girlfriend then," Weasley shouted back.

"Sod off, Ron! Go to the whore you call Lavender!" Draco once again had that irritating need to get Granger to calm down.

"Well, maybe I will!" Then he heard heavy footsteps going the opposite way of where he was standing.
That's when Granger collapsed on her knees and sobbed.


Hermione fell to her knees and bunched up the fabric of her jumper in a fist. She felt the heartbreaking sobs rack and take over her whole body.

That's the second time Ron tried to have sex with her, forcing her to go through with it. He just didn't get it. Hermione wanted it to be special. Not because Ron was "in need" of a shag.

She felt someone behind her clear their throat. She didn't move. She couldn't move. Then that person started awkwardly began to rub circles against the small of her back. They were slightly large hands, so she guessed it was a man.


Draco didn't know what to do. He first cleared his throat. She didn't do anything. He shifted his weight to his other leg, as if it was him weighing his options. He sighed and kneeled behind her. What do I do now, he asked himself. He slowly put his hand on her back. Using his thumb Draco drew small circles. And waited until she stopped crying.

Yay!!!! Chapter 2!!! Hope you guys like this! :)

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