Chapter 16

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"So far we have a hundred points for Slytherin, and Ravenclaw with one hundred twenty," the announcer said.

Draco could hear his heart pound. Blood rushing to his ears. Everything was loud. Cheers, the announcer, the players. He had to focus.

He scoped out Granger in the crowd, with her hair flying in her face, and her stubbornly putting it back in its place.

He looked at Maddix, who was across the pitch. He was looking for the snitch also, the stupid tosser.

There was a slight beating of wings around him.
Focus, focus, focus.

It wasn't necessarily cheating with him using his Veela powers to his advantage. He was using his resources. Just like in Potions when-

No. Focus.

The beating grew louder as the crowd started to fade in the back of his mind. His heart beating, his anxiousness was accompanied by hers. He could hear her.

"Where is it?"

That's what we want to know Granger.

The slightest glimpse of gold flew pass him in less than a blink of an eye. He leaned forward, getting ready for the next time it-

There it is.

He flew off as fast as he could on his broom, and he could hear the announcer distantly, "seems like Slytherin seeker Malfoy has spotted the snitch, and Ravenclaw seeker right behind him."

He could feel Maddix's presence coming closer, until they were almost aligned next to each other. Draco could see Granger's ribbon flapping around in the wind. Snapping his eyes back to the snitch, he leaned farther into his broom.

So fucking close.

"Might as well give up, Malfoy," Maddix said.
Not taking his eyes away from the never stopping snitch, he replied sarcastically, "I beg your pardon?"

"The snitch," the other seeker answered. And more quietly he added on, "and Hermione."

Snitch forgotten, Draco stopped his broom, a loud protest passed through the crowd. Maddix stopped right along with him.

"Looks like there's serious tension between the two seekers, and there goes Johnson scoring fifty points for Ravenclaw!" The announcer exclaimed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Draco asked.

"You know what I'm talking about," Maddix said. "I see you look at her, you practically killed me with your glare when she gave ME her ribbon," he taunted.

Draco kept calm, even though he wanted to tear the wanker apart. "I couldn't fucking care less, you tosser."

"I beg to differ."

Maddix looked over Draco's shoulder and smirked. And as fast as he could, he flew past Draco. Good thing Draco was right behind him.

He leaned as far as he could go, looked as if he would fall off.

The bugger better not fall off.

Hermione's hair was starting to annoy her as it flew in her face as she watched the game. None of the Gryffindor games she always went to were this intense.

Well, they were. She concluded with the fact that she wasn't as into the other games as this one.

She could feel pangs of jealousy.

Maybe she shouldn't have gave the ribbon to Maddix. She should've gave him, a galleon or something...really Hermione? A galleon?

Godric, she sounds so stupid sometimes.

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