Chapter 9

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Granger's shoulders sagged in relief.

He didn't know why, as one can see, she was alone, in dark corridor, with her worst enemy. Draco swallowed, only to be reminded that her wand was pressing into his neck.

"Granger, as much as I hate to be a prude, but could you remove you wand from my neck?" he asked in an annoyed tone.

She looked like she was shocked, like she forgot she even took it out in the first place. "Oh, um, yeah, sure," she stuttered as she placed it back in her robe pocket.

They stood in silence. They always stood in fucking silence. It irked him to the core. It was fate's fault, wasn't it?

They had to grow up to hate each other, had grow up in this generation, he had to grow up surrounded by prejudice, her being born a mudblood.

His eyes went back to her wrist, which her hand was wringing. He wondered if the scar aunt Bella gave her was still there. Maybe, his dark mark was.

"We should head up to the tower, I'm quite knackered, aren't you?" she asked.

He nodded and they started to walk. They silence was still heavy, and Granger just stared at her moving feet, much to his annoyance.

Draco wanted her to say something, anything, everything.


Hermione couldn't. He wasn't her friend, which she could always talk about anything and everything, he was her... She didn't know. Malfoy was just so confusing now a days. She felt like she couldn't tell her left to her right.

She was too distracted by her thoughts to not notice the thin wire that was being tugged by someone, and tripped.
She went down with a squeak, with Malfoy following with a surprised yell.

Her back hit the cold, hard marble floor with an audible THUD. She gasped at the contact. All air being forcefully pushed out of her lungs.

Only to gasp again when something heavy landed on top of her with a matter of seconds. Then she froze when she heard a large intake of breath.


Draco couldn't help himself. When he fell, his head seemed to be cushioned inside of her hair. Her frizzy, curly, soft, owl's nest she calls hair.


"Malfoy," Granger whispered, and he had to bite his lip hard to suppress the groan that was threatening to escape when her hot breath grazed against his neck.

He slowly brought himself a fraction away from her face. They might as well be kissing, because he could now feel her breath teasing his lips, daring him to come nearer. His Veela was shouting at him to ravish her until her lips bruise.

She must have thought the same thing, because her eye lids seemed to, ever so slowly, close. And he did have an intention of kissing her, right there in the middle of the corridor, where anyone could see them. Until a mischievous chuckle got their attention.


"What do we have here, ey?" Peeves asked in a annoying voice. "The Sytherin prince slither in the gossiping Gryffindor princess' pants yet?!" He asked, recalling the time Hermione was talking about moaning Mrytle.

She gave a disgusted snort.


"Shut up, Peeves! You're going to wake the whole school!" Malfoy yelled at the poltergeist, getting off of her.


Malfoy abruptly grabbed her wrist and tugged her closer to him. "Let's go, we need to run to the common room," he said, and without her responding, he pulled Hermione behind him as he ran.

"NOW THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS! OY, EVERYONE WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THIS!" Peeves shouted, before cackling and, with a gust of wind, he left.

She could still hear his laughter as they ran farther and farther away. They eventually made it to the portrait, and he said the password and they rushed in.

For a brief moment their eyes met. She began to slowly smile, then chuckle. Until she was full out laughing, clutching her stomach.


He just stared at her. Her hair was falling in her face as she bent over, putting her hand on her knees to keep her steady.

He smiled. Draco smiled.

The castle could be on fire, explode any moment, but he wouldn't notice. Fuck cliché, he just wanted to throw her over the table, which not a far away distance, and snog her senseless.

He was going to, until she interrupted.

"That was..."she trailed off as she giggled a bit more, "That was more fun then...then I've had in a long time."

"Yeah, getting caught after hours and getting points deducted from our houses sounds like so much fun," Draco replied sarcastically.

Any happiness seemed to drain from her face. He realized he must have said it more harsher than he intended.

"Wow, Malfoy," she huffed, "Way to bugger a mood, yeah?" She pivoted on her heel and left the room, making sure to slam her door. Leaving him standing there in confusion.

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