27) Act

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(A/N: The pic JOSH GOLDEN MAH BAE! xD Lol go check him out on YouTube he's an amazing singer!)

(PS: Sunday is my vacay and I'm updating, so no update tomorrow!)

Noah's P.O.V

My heart skinks as I glance over to Ariana, and see her making out with some guy. Who the fuck is he and what does he think he's doing with her? She's mine!

Arianna's P.O.V

Class gets dismissed and I run out the door with Steven, avoiding Noah as much as possible. I drop my books in a hurry and gasp, making everyone look at me.

My stomach lurches from the sudden attention, but then I get an idea to kill the rumours. "Kiss me," I murmur to Steven.

He helps me off the ground and presses his lips to mine briefly, but still letting people know we're 'together'. Everyone continues what they were doing, and I breathe a sigh of relief. We continue down the hallway, me nervously glancing behind us every two seconds.

If he catches us, even though this has good intentions, he would definitely punish me somehow... I wouldn't put it past him..

I hear his slow, torturing footsteps suddenly, and my blood runs cold.

"Go," Steve murmurs, pushing me ahead. I break into a run, and see him walk casually behind me, turning his head down to his phone. I turn the corner quickly and do the first thing I can think of: go to Steven's dorm.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I pace around the living room nervously, shaking my phone for it to pick up. "Come on, Frankie!" I hear a door open and close quietly, and I whip my head around. I see Frankie standing at the door. Tear stained face, flushed cheeks, and slightly messy hair.

"Frankie!" I gasp, running up to her. Instinctively I pick up her small form, wrapping my arms around her upper thighs. "H-hey," she smiles weakly.

"Where the fuck were you?! I was so worried sweetheart, you wouldn't pick up, you wouldn't answer, you had just gone.." My grip tightens around her, and I hold her close to my chest, bridal style.

"I-I'm sorry..." she chokes out. "Where were you, angel? Why are you crying?" I wipe her tears, holding her close to me and stroking her hair. She rests her head in the crook of my neck, and I plead. "Please, baby, tell me what's wrong.. I want to help you,"

"I-I'm fine," she bites her lip, holding back tears. "No you're not. Stop lying to me." I frown, sitting on the couch with her. "Baby, look at me," I lift her chin up, staring into her tear-flooded eyes. "Please,"

"I- I-" As she lets go of her lip she buries her face in my neck and chest, sobbing. "It's okay," I whisper, rubbing her back and stroking her hair. "When you're ready, sweetheart,"

Ariana's P.O.V

I hear a knock on Steven's door, (the room I'm in), and my heart stops.

I open it reluctantly, and my stomach jumps as I see someone I don't want to.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Noah (STUDENTxTEACHER)Where stories live. Discover now