Chapter 14 - Flashback + Very Unexpected Conclusions O.o

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(Sorry this took a bit longer but this one is a bit more descriptive… plus I found a way to fix the background problem so enjoy!!!!)

Larissa’s POV


     “Go! Hide in the closet,” my brother exclaimed as he ushered me into the closet. He threw mothers dresses and coats on to me and was about to leave when there was a load bang. “R-rythian, I’m scared,” I mutter softly as I clutch the cloth to my heart violently. “Its alright, you’ll be fine… I won’t let anyone hurt my little sister,” he muttered the last part softly but I heard it anyway. “J-just be safe,” I reply just as another shot rang out. He quickly hurried out of the closet shutting the door quietly, hearing the door lock I begin to panic bracing the cloth tighter whispering prayers for my older brother to be safe. There was a sudden bang and from my peep-whole I could see someone walking by from under the closet. I heard things scatter around then another gun-shot. “B-big brother….” I mutter quietly, tears running down my face slowly making there way down to my sweaty shaking hands.

     Softer footsteps pattered there way over to the closet unlocking the sealed door. I inched my way closer to the edge of the small claustrophobic room as it opened reviling a tall black figure, one I could recognize anywhere. “J-just kill me already so I-I can live in a better place than this hell!” I yelled at the figure. He just stood there shocked when suddenly a dark red blood, almost black came dripping down his forearm and he stumbled to the ground reviling a brunette boy with chocolate brown eyes. “R-rythian, your okay!” I exclaimed jumping into my brothers grasp.

     He pulled me into a tight hug, my head on his shoulder still crying as the tears soaked his sweater. “Come on,” he said as he took me off him gently taking me hand and walking me over to the window. “I will come looking for you little princess, and I will kill everyone that gets in my way!” The man yelled as I jumped out of the window and into the shallow pool outside along with my brother. “Who was he?” Rythian questioned looking back up at my window as we got out of the pool making our way over the fence. “M-my father, my real father….” I exclaimed letting a tear fall from my eye. 

*End of Flashback*

     That memory kept running over and over in my mind as me and Rythian made our way to the toilets. I usually tell people that me and Rythian’s parents died when I was really young but the truth is… My real mom died of cancer after I was born. My dad abused me physically, and mentally in ways not one year old girl should have been treated. At the age of two my dad was sent to prison and I was sent to a foster family. My dad got out five times killing each foster family leaving me unharmed with only a couple bruises and cuts, I started cutting and wouldn’t stop when finally I was sent to Rythians family at the age of six. Him and his family treated me as if I was family for two years until my father came and recked my life again and I started cutting again adding the scars up to how old I was when everything went wrong. 

     Rythian and me where separated soon after that incident, maybe five months after I was sent to an orphanage, my brother to a foster family. I kept cutting, my depression intensifying, growing with every day just wanting a family to live with. I found out about youtube when my best friend JoJo moved into my dorm when I was 12. Me and JoJo started individual channels hanging out and making online friends, I told her all my secrets… even about my real life story. Just thinking about the past makes me want to burst out crying, sometimes I just want to pelt someone down with my tears of fear and hate I’ve had for the past few years of my life.

     I kept thinking about it when I released me and my brother were standing in front of the bathrooms… I wonder how long we’ve been standing there for? I quickly gave Rythian another hug running into the toilets thinking about the face he must have made, if only I knew it would be the last we hugged for a while…. 

(DUN DUN DUNNNN!!! Wonder what happens in the bathroom… Wow, that sounded very stalkerish/pervy XD Anyways… Slap that ‘Vote’ button with your fist and comment after the BEEP, BEEEEEPPPPPP!!!! Hope you enjoyed, BYE BYEZ….. Dun dun dun Cliffhanger!!!! XD)

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