Chapter 15 - Is this the end?

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(Well, I'm on my trip right now and I'm bored as hell. Yes, I'm in the car now and I have twenty minutes till we get there.. Gaaaa!!! Anyway, read on!!!)

Toby's POV
"What the-" I exclaimed going in the direction in which I heard the high-pitched scream. 'What the hell is happening?!' I thought as I turned a corner, worry in his eyes. "Toby, it's better you go back to your office, come on," he said reaching for a grip on my shoulder which I quickly avoided. "What happened," I demanded sternly as I zoomed past him around the corner to see a sight that was unforgettable...

Martyn's POV
I quickly came out of my office when I heard the horrible high pitched scream. "Huh?" I exclaimed as I scrambled away from my office and quickly made my way down the hallway. I turn a corner to see Rythian rolled up on the floor balling his eyes. Sjin holding Minty tightly as she continued to weep into his chest. "W-what happened?" I said looking at the broken down adults to see Rythian point to the bathroom door keeping the same position. I opened the door slightly, "Oh god."

Sjin's POV
Me and Minty were in the break room when we decided to check on Larissa, who we presumed was recording in her office. We were on our way there when we heard a shrill scream, Larissa. We quickly made our way to where the noise came from where we found Rythian sobbing on the floor shaking. He explained what happened, which was very hard to understand. When he had finally finished explaining Minty burst into tears, me holding he close to me whispering encouraging words to her.

Rythian's POV
Larissa gave me a tight hug disturbing my thoughts, "Waa?" I exclaimed as I looked around to see the bathroom door closing behind her. I smiled a bit, I remembered how depressed she was when she came to live with my family. It's nice to see her happy in awhile.
I decided it best to wait for her when I heard voices in the bathroom. "Lar?" I questioned opening the door to see her in a neck-lock, her father holding a gun to her head. "I'll be back for you," he said grinning evilly, Larissa suddenly becoming weak as he pulled the trigger.
I breathed heavily when it all suddenly came to me, Larissa, my little sister, gone...

(Oh god, I lied to you all! There's not gonna be a sequel cause Larissa died!!! *Fake sobs loudly* Anyways, slap that vote button with your fist and comment after the BEEP, BEEEEPPPP!!! Hope you enjoyed, BYEEEEE!!
P.S. Epilogue next time!!!)

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