Chapter 12 - Ask Her OUT!!! and Death Threats O.o

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(Okay guys, don’t attack me for not writing anything… I’ve been as lazy as a piece of furniture… But Im back!!! Yay… well, I was never really gone… Just created a new account and started writing on there until I got the pressure to go back to this account cause I’ve been hitting myself like crazy… BTW!!! I am not telling you the name of my other account cause I’m doing a little experiment *grins evilly* Anyway… enjoy this chapter, especially my Speckii Shippers :3)

  Beckii’s POV

     I heard a knock on the door and got up slowly blowing my nose and looking around to see if the place was clean enough. “Yup, it’s just the way I left it yesterday when I cleaned…” I thought making my way from my bedroom to the door. I opened the door to see Sparkles smiling at me so I smile back slightly. “Come on in,” I said smiling and he made his way in. “So, are you feeling any better?” he questioned sitting at the couch. “Not really, but I got my voice back as you can see,” she said smiling at me and sat down next to me.

         We kept talking about work and our lives on Youtube and what songs we were working on next when Sparkles came up to me looking kind of nervous and said, “Um, Beckii… I have this girl I really like but I don’t now if she feels the same way and how to tell her,” he says as casually as you can when your nervous. I don’t know why… but my heart dropped a bit when he said that but I kept up my smile and responded sweetly, “Just go up to her and tell her how you feel, if she feels the same then you can think about asking her out,” I was starting to loose the smile and tear up a bit so I looked down. As I did I saw Sparkles nervous smile disappear completely. “Dammit,” I thought as I tried to come up with an excuse.   

Sparkles POV

    As soon as Beckii dropped her head I knew something was up, “Beckii, are you okay?” I asked worried about my friend my cr-crush… “Beckii, listen… I really like you, like more than a friend…. When I was talking about the girl I liked I was talking about you… Except I love you, Beckii I love you,” she looked up in tears and jumped on me, “I love you too Sparkles!” she said smiling and I smiled as well as we began leaning into each other when my phone began ringing, “Hello?” I answered kind of angry someone bothered me at this moment. “Oh, hey Sparkles! We need you back at the studio! Lewis needs to talk to you about the December Lifestream,” I sighed. “Okay, I’ll be right there,” I responded and hung up and turned to Beckii. “I need to go back to the Studio to set up for the Live streams, but how about you come over to my place for dinner after the Lifestream?” I questioned her. “Sure, sounds good! Just call me when your done,” she responded cheerfully. I gave her a little peck on the cheek and walked out of her apartment smiling like an idiot…  

Larissa’s POV

     "No… how could this happen?" I asked myself looking down at a piece of paper on my office door saying,  ‘The hoax is up, reveal yourself and your brother and none of your ‘Yogscast’ family gets hurt’ -X (You know who I am)

(Okay… first of all… Damn!!! Who’s this… X dude!! He’s threatening poor Larissa and Rythian…. Is he an Ex-Friend? Ex-Boyfrind? Ex-Family member!? Who do you think it is? (Of corse I know and I won’t tell you!!! :P) Anyway… (Wow, I haven’t written this in a long time) Slap that ‘Vote’ button with your fist, (Except when me and @TriciaSaxton have FB conversations :3) and comment after the BEEP, BBBBBEEEEEEPPPPP!!!! Hope you enjoyed, BYYYYEEEEE!!!!)   (BTW... This looked longer on my 'notes' app on my laptop then it does here.... Well poop!!! XD)

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