[15] [FULL] I Don't Know How I Feel

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Poppy picked up the phone and dialed Moxie's number. She was surprised that she answered right away, because Moxie was usually busy.

"Poppy!!" Moxie yelled, into the phone, panting. "Is everything alright?"

"Sort of," Poppy said, and took a breath.

"Uh oh. What do you mean?"

"Well, it's Branch. And Creek."

"What?! What has that idiot Creek done to you now?!!!" Moxie shrieked.

"Nothing," Poppy said.

"Well, than....what seems to be the problem?"

"I'm...I'm a little torn. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about Creek."


"Like, yesterday. He hugged me, and all of a sudden, it just felt....I felt so....free. I felt like all the weight was off my shoulders."

"What are you saying, Poppy? Are you saying you have feelings for Creek again?" Moxie asked.

Poppy shook her head and sighed. "I don't know."

"Well, I say Branch is your best bet. I mean come on, Poppy. He's cute, handsome, funny, talented. He protects you. He's always by your side. What else could you want in a man?"

"I don't know," Poppy repeated.

"And what factors does Creek have that you like?"

Poppy stayed silent.

"Poppy?" Moxie asked.

"Branch was holding hands with another girl yesterday."

"So?" asked Moxie. "You've held hands with Creek many times before. That doesn't mean you're a couple, does it?"


"Exactly. I want you to tell me...honestly. Do you like Creek?"


"Do you like him more than a friend?"

Poppy waited.

And waited.

And waited.


(Hop over to Branch's third person view)

Lily knocked On Branch's door, and he came to it right away.

I was honestly hoping it was Poppy, but Lily is a close second, Branch thought to himself. What am I saying?! he asked himself, once more before opening the door.

"Lily! Glad to see you!!" Branch said.

"Hey, Branchie!!" she said, and squeezed him into a hug.


That Poppy's nickname for me, he thought.

Whatever. He hugged her back, but after five seconds, he became uncomfortable, and pushed her away.

The only person he'd hug for that long was Poppy.

And he'd like to keep it that way.


"Well, what brings you here?" Branch asked her, smiling a cheesy smile.

"Just came over to check on my little Branchie," she said, and skipped over to his couch.

My little Branchie??!!

"Okay Lily, that's enough. I know we're friends, but you know Poppy's the only one to call me that," he told her, shooting her a glare.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now