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I hold the weapon with both of my hands and point it in front of me, with outstretched arms, alternately to Luke and my father. Both stand still promptly.

,,Give that thing immediately to me, Beca!" Snarls my father furiously to me. He takes a step toward me, but his arm got caught by Luke.

,,I would not do that," says Luke as he continues to hold my gaze. Abruptly my father pulls himself loose.

,,I decide that for myself!"

,,She will shoot," Luke continues. ,,you can see that right?"

,,Shoot?" My father repeats scornfully. ,,Ha! She doesn't have the guts to do such thing." Yet he remains standing hesitant when he asks: ,,Right, Beca?" I don't answer, just look at him and for the first time in all these years, I see a light glimpse of fear in his eyes. It feels like a victory, even though the weapon that I'm holding makes me determine nervous. My hands are shaking and I fight against the rising panic. I have to keep my head focused. ,,Come on, Beca. Don't do something stupid and give that thing to me." I shake my head, while I lick my dry lips. My father sighs deeply and rub his hand through his hair. Again, he points to me and say in a tone as if he were speaking to a child: ,,Sweetheart. A weapon is not a thing for you, right? You hate violence, you always say that. Come on, give it to me." Once again I shake my head.

,,No. If I give it to you, you're gonna hurt me."

,,Hurt you?" He asks with a surprising tone in his voice. ,,Why would I?"

,,Don't fucking act this way!" Sneers Luke. ,,You've constantly beaten, kicked and God knows what you've done more to her mother for all those years. There's reason enough for Beca to think you'll do the same to her." My father gives him an angry look, but doesn't say anything. Then he looks at me again.

,,I love you, Beca." He continues softly as he notice that I don't make any actions to give him the gun or to surrender.

,,You've gone too far!"

,,It was never my intention to hurt your mother or your sister. I'm so sorry, Beca."

,,It's too late. Your regrets doesn't count anymore, it doesn't make it okay." I fully enclose the gun a bit firmer, feel the cool metal against my palms and swallow. It's so easy. I just have to pull the trigger. Then I have avenged my mother and Hayley.

,,Beca, he's not worth it!" I look to the side and see Chloe standing there with Stacie. She looks beautiful! Her eyes catch me and I don't notice anything else. ,,If you pull that trigger, you'll regret that decision for the rest of your life."

,,He killed her, Chlo! I have to do this for her."

,,No, you don't have to do this. I know you hate him for killing her and it's sweet that you want to avenge her, but this is not the way. Please, put that gun down."

,,I can't."

,,Yes, you can. Beca, you are stronger than this. You won't get her back."

,,I loved your mother, Beca." My father tries one more time, but I only get angrier.

,,That's bullshit!" I yell and point the gun to him once again.

,,Yeah, believe me or not, but I truly loved her."

,,Don't lie! Every day you hit her and now I have to believe that you loved her?"

,,Put that gun down, Beca. Chloe's right, you'll regret this and your mother won't return." I hesitate and a few seconds later I feel a warm hand on my own. It's Chloe's.

,,Put it down, Becs." She insist. ,,And then we will try to find a solution to solve this... together." I see her eyes, that looks at me worriedly. She means it. She will help me. And while I'm holding my gaze focused on my father, I reluctantly put the gun beside me on the ground

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