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i needed coffee. i couldn't study without it, how do people cope without it i don't understand. i went to the coffee shop in hopes to see alice. i wondered what happened the other day.

i walked in and she was there standing at the counter serving a customer. our eyes met for a second but she looked away. she probably didn't want to see me but i wanted to know what happened.

once the first customer was done i place my order. she didn't look me in the eyes, she took my order and began making the coffee.

"hey is your friend okay? she was really drunk the other night." she turned around and looked at me. she looked tired, she had a slight darkness under her eyes.

"yeah she's fine. she just had to get home quick but she's okay." she gave me a fake smile. i get it she didn't know me she didn't have to tell me the truth.

she gave me my cup of coffee and i paid her. "okay well i'll see you later. hope she gets better soon."

"wait are you going to study? i'm going to go too, do you mind if i walk with you?" she began taking off her apron and went to the back to tell her manger she was ready to go.

once we were walking out in the freezing cold it was silent. i didn't know what to talk about since we barely knew each other. what could i talk about? i feel so stupid.

"so what are you studying?" she broke the silence. i thanked god.

"oh creative writing, you know poems and stuff what about you?" i sound like an idiot.

"business. it's really boring right now but it's the only thing that interested me. i want to open up a indian and chinese mixed restaurant in the future."

"why a indian restaurant?" i asked curiosity taking over me. i've never tired it before i wonder if tastes good.

"my dad was indian, he used to make indian type food all the time. you can't compare it to anything else." she smiled her showing her teeth. her pink plump lips fit well with her tan skin.

"oh so what does he do now? does he have a restaurant?" if he did I wanted to try it since i barely ever tried new food.

her smile faded. "he passed away a few years ago." she looked down. i feel like an idiot why did i say that. "oh my god i'm so sorry i didn't mean to be rude i just --"

"it's okay i know you didn't."

we walked to the library in silence whilst i mentally cursed myself a hundred times. me and alice parted ways when she saw her friends and i went and sat with jaebum.

"oh you finally spoke to that coffee shop girl. took you long enough." jaebum ruffled my hair as if i was a child.

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