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Emily's pov
I took the pregnancy test and it said positive. Its not that im not happy to be pregnant I just dont want Ian's kid. Thoughts wondered in my head. Am I ready for a kid? Do i tell the team? Will they ask about the father? Can I tell them about Doyle being back? If I tell them about Ian being back will the try to kill him? I started getting a headache from all of the stress. I'll ask Ian what to do. So I go over to Ian and ask him what to do. He says "Do whatever you feel is right." I said "Ok I will." Ian was sleeping on the couch and I was asleep in my bed. I had a nightmare about Ian branding me. I wake up and look at my chest the tattoo was visable. I never told the team about me being branded I dont know why I just didnt. I looked at the clock it read 2: 43 Am. I decided to go back to bed.
Ian's pov
I was just sitting on the couch when Emily asks me "Do I tell the team or not?" I just say "Do what you think is right." She says "Ok I will." Then I fall asleep on the couch with that question in my head."
Emily's pov
After the nightmare I go back to sleep because I have work the next day at 10. I have no more nightmares that night.

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