Telling Ian

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Emilys pov
I start walking home. When I get there Ian is not there so I call him on a disposable phone. He picks up and I say" Ian Doyle where are you?" " I'm in Boston." " How many people did you kill?" I didn't kill any one it was Liam." "Okay, I just called to let you know that people are trying to kill you so go fly to a different contry and I'll come to you in 2 days then stay for a week and a half. They want you dead. I don't so fly out ASAP." He then said" Okay I'll be out of the country tommorow." "Bye Ian I love you." "Bye Emily I love you too." Then they hang up. Then I go to sleep.

The next day I go over to the safe house where Tsia and Clyde are and tell them that Doyle isn't in the states anymore I can't find him. They say okay.

2 Days later
I'm just about to board the plane to Europe to see Ian. When I get there I go to the adress he is at. When I get there we hug then he kisses me. We make love everyday there is no doubt that I am pregnant and I'm okay with that. Right before I leave for the airport Ian says a speech about how much he loves me and all that jazz then he gets down on one knee and pulls out a 5 karet diamond ring in a red velvet box. He then says the words I waited my whole life to hear."Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, will you make me the happiest man on the world and marry me?" I say " Yes I will marry you." He then puts the ring on my finger and kisses me. We pull away and I tell him I'll visit soon. I go to the airport and fly home. When I land I go home and call Hotch. I say" Hotch, when do I go back to work?" He says" Now, we don't have a case. Just come on in." I say "Okay on my way be there in ten." He says " Okay see you then." "Bye" "Bye" Then I hang up. I get dressed for work then I walk to my car and get in and drive to work. When I get there I sit at my desk. Then I go to the bathroom. I have to throw up. After I'm done. Hotch calls me to his office.

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