January 18th

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January 18th, 2014.




“Hey, Hime. You finally call on a weekend-day.”

“Well, I’d call every day if I could, but y’know; we’re both busy most of the time.”

“Ha. You’re kind of smart.”

“I have a really high IQ, thank you very much!”

“Really? What is it, ‘Dr. Evil’?”


“Shut up, Mike, nobody asked you.”

“I agree with him, Jaime.”


“Don’t call my Lily-Billy a bitch!”

“Is Mike on drugs?”

“Now, I think you know the answer to that question.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“Well, damn, Lily, I thought we had something special.”

“Not while you’re high or drunk.”

“Guys, I’m gonna go lay down and sober up–”


“Mike, you’ll never get with my Bluebird for as long as I live.”

“What if he kills you? You won’t be living very long, and then he can get with me.”

“Lily, what the fuck do you think about all day?”

“I believe you know the answer to that question.”

“Hopefully it’s sex with me–I mean…

“You guys are so sexual, I swear to God.”

“But you love us!”

“Fuck off, Tone, she doesn’t love you!”


“I think we should cut this conversation short before Vic comes in here.”

“Agreed. Talk to you soon, Preciado.”

“Same to you, Jones.”


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