Prologue: First day...

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Well thanks to Maddie, we have an amazing cover!!! She's going to be the one who's responsible for most of the pics this story has and editing, while I'll be responible for most of the music and writing this story has!   :D *BIG SMILES* :D

Thank you for clicking on this story, and for giving it a chance!

*Hands you a Watermelon flavoured blowpop* Jayy Von Monroe loves Watermelon lolipops! But he calls them I'm going to do the same!! Imagine the look on my mum's face... o.O - Luceh-Jayne! x

Luceh-Jayne, here in America there are lollipops called blowpops~ - M.N.S



As I walked through the school gates, I glared at the people staring. With all the eyes you’d think they've never had a transfer student before...

My ears perked up as I heard someone mention me.

"Who d'you fink the new kid is?" One of the rugby players spat. Just by listening to his voice I could tell he was the stuck up snob type.

"Why d'you fink he's 'ere?" The jock's mate inquired.

"D'you reckon we show him that we don't need scum like him 'ere?" The first jock who spoke said. He's starting to piss me off and I don't even know what he looks like.

"Go for it, man. We deffo don’t need no scum 'round 'ere tryna bust our turf!" The second jock added. I’ve decided he pisses me off too. Is this some kind of major attribute people have around here?

Everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what was gonna happen next, but I already knew.

I spun around and caught the rugby ball just before it hit me in the face. Letting out a growl, I quickly closed my eyes to cool the anger building up inside of me. I put my arms to my side and took a step towards the jocks.

"Oi! Fag, give me my ball back and go suck the site managers dick!" The first jock shouted. That's it. Instead of walking over to give them the ball like I was going to do originally, I backed up a few feet and growled as I bombed it straight at the jock who threw it. I then walked over to the others and knelt down in front of the guy I hit in the face with the ball. His nose was bleeding pretty bad, enough to be broken.

"Think before you throw things at me next time. Hell, think before you look or speak about me!" I growled in his face. I poked him in the nose and when he flinched, I smirked and said, "Good luck with the broken nose, asshole." I got up, turned around and walked towards the reception, already knowing that I'm going to be number one on the jock's hit list.


After collecting my timetable, map, planner, dinner pass, conduct card, merit card, paid £25 for a locker and been given information on how to get my school uniform, I walked to my locker and opened it. I shoved all the information into my locker then put my planner, conduct, and merit cards in my bag.

I checked the timetable in my hand to see what I have today.

Because it's Monday Week A, I have:

Period 1: Geography

Period 2: Maths

Period 3: PSHE

Period 4: Food Technology

Period 5: English

Period 6: College time.

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