Chapter #49

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Chapter 49:

I woke up and ran to the bathroom throwing up. After I was done and cleaned up I called Sara and the other girls over. Harry and I got back from vacation yesterday and he had to go to studio early with the boys to discuss there upcoming tour. All the girls arrived and we sat down drinking tea. "How was vacation?" I smiled thinking about the whole vacation, "it was g-" I was about to answer when I got up running to the sink throwing up. "Great! But I think I might be sick!" Sara shook her head, "have you thrown up before this?" I nodded and she whispered something in Perrie's ear. "Perrie and I will he right back, please keep an eye on my baby girl!!" We all nodded and the girls looked at me. "Well the baby is sleeping so how about we just watch a movie or something?" Dani suggested looking between me, Eleanor and Melissa. "Sounds fantastic!" I laughed and we headed to the family room after I threw up once again!! "Were backkk!" Perrie sang walking into the family room holding a bag. "And we brought some presents!" Sara took out 2 pregnancy tests. "Are you pregnant again?" I smirked at her and she threw it to me. "Nope, but you might be!" I shook my head, "I am not pregnant!!!" Eleanor grabbed me and pulled me to the bathroom. "We all know you and Harry did it on vacation, but if you say your not pregnant probe it!" I grabbed the 2 tests from her hand and turned to the bathroom, "fine! I will!" I took both tests and peed on the sticks. I waited and waited inside the bathroom scared if the outcome. The truth is that when Sara brought up the possibility of me being pregnant I realized that it is a possibility. The whole vacation me and Harry had unprotected sex so it could be possible. Also I've had morning-correction all day sickness-and the cravings for things I don't even like. I looked at the tests and one said negative but the other said positive. I looked at the tests for a good 20 minutes and started to cry. There was knocking on the door from the girls, "Kat, why are you crying?" Eleanor knocked again. "What do they say!" Sara asked. I heard a click and Perrie yelled, "I got it!" The door then opened and all 5 girls were steering down at me. Sara grabbed the tests, and I cried more, "there's no point there opposites!" Melissa handed me another box, "that's why we bought one more!" Danielle wiped the ears off my cheeks, "don't worry Kat, your gunna be fine! Now take the tests and no locking the door this time because we want to be there to support you!" I grabbed the test and closed the door going through the process again. I read the test and fell to the floor crying. The door opens and Perrie hugged me. I looked at the girls and tried to speak but my voice came out as a whisper, "I-I'm pregnant!" Just as I said that Abby-who could now walk-walked I to the bathroom and sat in my lap. "I wa you cwiing Kat?" I laughed a little at her failed speech as the girls hugged me. "Aw you sud?" I laughed again and picked her up. "No Abby, I'm not sad but, i just found out that I will be having a baby!" Abby smiled at me, "bu wa you cwiing? Tats happa!" I shrugged, "I don't know Abby! How do I tell Harry?" Sara picked up Abby and brought her to the another room turning on the t.v to occupy her. "How do I tell Harry?" I started to cry again and Eleanor led me to the couch. "We'll you should tell him tonight Kat, the sooner the better!" I nodded and sat on the couch doing some deep breathing. "W-what if he doesn't w-want the baby!" All the worst things possible were going through my head at the moment. "He married you so you guys could start a family together!" I wiped more tears crying to calm down, "but what if-" Just then the boys came running into the room, "were back!" Harry comes and spins me around so I'm facing everyone in the room. "Oh my god, what's wrong baby? What's wrong?" Everyone had concerned faces. "Nothing I-I'm f-fine!" My voice cracked as I felt the tears threatening to spill. Harry hugged me and kissed my forehead-I broke down in his arms crying more and more. Harry intwined our fingers and brought me to the kitchen. "What's wrong babe?" He cupped my face and kissed my forehead while making me look him in the eyes. I shook my head and looked down again while I let the tears stream down my face. Harry pulled me closer to him and cupped my face moving my face up and pecked my lips. I shook my head trying to look away but he held my head in place and kissed me again. "Baby your scaring me! Please tell me!" I shook my head and mumbled, "but your unna hate me," it came our quieter and not easy to understand. "I love you so much and nothing you say or do will ever make me hate you! Please tell me your scaring me!" I felt a drop on my forehead and when I looked up I saw Harry crying. I wiped his tears away and he tried to do the same for me. "I love you!" He whispered as he kissed me again. I buried my head in his chest and mumbled, "I-I'm pregnant." I already felt his shirt all wet from the tears I've let spill. "What?" He cupped my face and made me look into his eyes, "I'm," before I spoke I swallowed hard and let another tear fall, "pregnant!" Harry's eyes went wide and I turned quickly knowing he would want me out. With one swift motion he grabbed me and turned me around pressing his lips to mine. Tears were falling from both our eyes and he smiled, "are you serious? I'm gonna be a dad?" I couldn't tell his emotions so I nodded looking down. "GUYS GUYS!!" He pulled me into the living room where everyone was looking at us waiting to see what was wrong. "Your both crying but you sound happy so shoot!" Zayn smiled. "Were having a baby!" Harry smiled and picked me up kissing me! "CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!" I let out a breathe I was holding in and turned to him, "so you don't hate me?" His eyes went wide again, "I FRIKEN LOVE YOU!!!! IM GUNNA BE A DAD!" I laughed and nodded, "yeah!" He smiled even bigger, "AND YOUR GUNNA BE A MOM!" I laughed again and nodded getting closer to him, "yeah!" He wrapped his arms around me holding me close, "AND WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS!" I nodded and we kissed each other. "I have to go call everyone!!" I laughed as Harry screamed into his phone, "hello? Mom," his smile grew, "guess what?" as the words left his mouth his eyes sparkled and his smile grew the biggest I had ever seen it, "YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GRANDMA BECAUSE WERE HAVING A BABY!"

7 months later...

I am now 7 months pregnant and today is my baby shower! Harry has come to all the ultrasounds with me and we found our that we are having a baby girl. Eleanor and Sara insisted on planning a baby shower and the other girls helped to. I slipped on a pair of black leggings and a long flowy red top along with black peep-toe heels. I curled my hair and let it flow loosely. For my makeup I did a natural look nothing too over the top or to much-foundation, blush, bronzer, skin toned eyeshadow, lip balm, and mascara. I smiled while looking in the mirror holding my stomach as Harry came behind me and held onto it to. "For a 7 month pregnant lady I feel good!" He kissed me and smiled, "and you look good too!" He winked and led me downstairs to show me the decorations for the party. He covered my eyes while guiding me down the stairs. When we reached the bottom he removed his hands from in front of my eyes. "Its beautiful!" It was set up to fit the theme of 'pretty in pink' since our babies a girl. There was pink drinks, pink candy, pink plates, napkins etc. Pink is not my favourite colour but we are having a baby girl so who cares?! Harry's family is coming and the lads parents too. They have all become a big part or my life and I can't wait for them to be apart of hers.

After everyone had arrived we started to play a bunch of games. It was quit funny when Louis went up to play a game that only women should be palming. He had to put stockings over his clothes and when he pulled them on he gave himself a wedgie and yelled because it hurt his penis. "Okay I don't want to take the focus away from you and the beginning of your family but Louis and I would like to announce that we are getting married!" I got up as ran to her hugging her. "Ahh baby congratulations!" I kissed her and

Louis and was honestly so happy for them. "It's only the two of you now but wait till your honeymoon!" I pointed to my belly and everyone started laughing. Harry kissed me and smiled, "we got our little angel!" I smiled and kissed him again. After cake and more games everyone posed for a picture then grabbed there 'thank you' chocolates and left. The lads stayed and helped clean up before heading home. Harry called me over to the couch, "I want you to watch something!" He put in a disk and when it came on and started playing I could tell it was the night Harry asked me to marry him. My eyes for watery at the scene flashing before my eyes, "it seems so long ago!" I wiped a few tears after our wedding day ended as Harry kissed me. "I plan on recording everyday of our child-and children if we have more in the future!"

2 months later...

Harry and I are expecting the baby any day now. I have been getting contractions but nothing to major. "Morning beautiful!" Harry kissed me as he brought me breakfast in bed. "Morning Harold!" I laughed as he glared at me and kissed him. "How's the contractions baby?" He put his had on my stomach. "There good! She keeps kicking so that just be a good sign?" He nodded and kissed my belly smiling. Harry has been beyond perfect though this whole thing!! He's been really understanding when I get snappy or mad, he's been there when I get emotional, he's gone out in the middle of the night when I have cravings! Harry is honestly perfect and I love him and this baby with all my heart. "When do you think she'll come out and finally say hello to the world!?" Just as he said that the contraction hit me hard...then another one...then another one! "We'll she's hitting me hard and-" I got up out of bed and when I was about to go call Sara my water broke! "Ugh HARRY!! MY WATER BROKE!" Harry quickly helped me change into some track pants and pulled the car out rushing to the hospital! When we arrived they rushed me to a room. "Mam, your already displayed completely and ready to push!" I was deep breathing as Harry stood beside the bed holding my hand. "Ahh, my god this baby really wants to come out!" On the count of three the doctor told me to push. I pushed at least 3 times until my-our baby came out. They washed her up and handed her to me and Harry. "Oh my god, look at her!" I smiled as Harry kissed me and wiped my tears. He looked at her smiling, "she's beautiful!" Just then the door opened and in came the whole gang! "Hi guys!" They congratulated us and looked down at the baby. "She's so adorable!" Eleanor smiled! "Abby look at her, that's your cousin!" Harry's family walked into the room and Anne smiled, "oh my god! Look at her! O have a granddaughter!" I smiled as she kissed my cheek and looked down at the baby! "Gemma, and Adam and Sara and Josh, we want you guys to be her godparents!" They nodded and kissed me again. Harry snuggled into the hospital bed with me and kissed me again! "What's the beautiful babies name love?" Robin smiled. I looked at my sleeping baby girl snuggled in between Harry and I smiling, "Darcy Anne Styles!"

Authors note:

Blahhhhh I know it's crap I'm

Sorry I didn't know how to do this chapter but the next chapter will be the epilogue!!! OHHH almost done :D

Baby Shower Outfit:

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