A day and a Night

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She savored the feel of his gentle touch, her eyes already rolling into the back of her head. The feel of him, the smell of him, the taste of him upon her lips intoxicating her senses.
"Oh god Jacob" she moaned as his lips trailed across her pale freckled skin, his hands holding her tight as him mouth devoured every inch of her. She could barley move in anticipation of what came next, she cried aloud as he entered her, "Arh Arh oh god Jacob your good at this" she moaned between grasping breaths as he built up the pace.

He watched as her body begged for him, he couldn't believe how beautiful she was especially like this.
His mouth met her lips as he felt her tighten around him knowing she was close as she moved to bite his shoulder.
She cried out loudly as she came her nails digging into his shoulders as she felt him shudder and release inside her.
He moved immediately to hold her, gently stroking the hair from her face, "your magnificent" he sighed and smiled as she rolled into him. "Your not so bad yourself" she smirked.

She awoke to find herself in his arms, she allowed the feel of it to wash over her, revelling in how safe and content she felt.
The reality kicking in, caused the doubt to resurface. She tried to move from his grasp, "not trying to run out on me" he smiled sadly sitting up.
She fought for the words to excuse her, but they failed her as she saw the sadness in his expression.
"I umm.., we..." she stuttered.
"You said you'd stay" he said pulling her down as she laid beneath him.
"I never said..." she starred at him praying him for him to understand the predicament she found herself in here, now.
"Technically, but you've got no where better to be, and you want to .so ...stay?" He asked softly his soft brown eyes focused on her, not allowing her to look away from his gaze.
He smiled as she returned his smile feeling her body relax against him, "I don't know what this is..." she stammered feeling exposed as he looked at her with such admiration.
"Does there need to be a label, were both enjoying this.. let's just see what happens. I'm not demanding anything from you, I won't pressure you. But I think we both know this isn't going to just go away, so let just be with each other and enjoy it" he reasoned.
She smiled, "okay, I can do that".
"Well I don't know about you but I could do with a drink" he gestured.
She nodded knowing it would calm her, stop her over thinking it.
"It's late" she spoke noticing the clock, "or early" he winked.

They sat and watched a film, ignoring most of it talking through out, she felt relaxed on paper this was complicated but when they were together, it felt so easy.
"So you thought anymore about my suggestion of becoming a CT registrar?" She asked.
"Why you offering" he grinned.
"Well your not even an F2 yet" she smiled, "but I think you'd be an excellent surgeon you showed that already in the short time I've been here".
"Well your support is welcome, with my dad breathing down my neck I don't get much choice without upsetting him.
"Well I could suggest it for you, offer to take you under my wing, I have already suggested more theatre time for you" she smiled.
"Arh I wondered weather it was your influence, I've had more time in theatre this week than I have the six months I've been at the hospital" he confessed.
"Well I like to support junior members of staff" she smirked suggestively.
"I hope I'm the only one getting this kind of support" he smiled playfully watching as she bit her lip teasingly.
"So Connie any chance you would stay on for longer?" He chanced feeling her relax.
"I've only been here a week, your eager. Your be desperate to get rid of me I'm sure after 6 months" she chuckled.
"Not likely" he smiled, "Well is there anyone at home waiting for you?" He asked coyly.
"Well not as such, but.. you know it's..."
"Complicated" he finished.
"Well yes you could say that!" She spoke sadly.
"You don't have to tell me" he whispered softly.
"No it's just.. well let's say I'm good at choosing the wrong men" she sighed.
"Am I the wrong Man?" He asked intrigued,
"Yes exactly,.. I'm attracted to all the wrong people. My career means everything to me, but I find the decisions in my personal life are never as well thought out.
"Your young, your a junior under my guidance, and your dad is my boss in affect. So I'd say out of all the people I could have started a dalliance with you wouldn't have been the most thought out choice".
"A dalliance eh?" He joked playfully,
"Well yes what would you call it?" She asked.
"I know what I'd like to call it, but I'm happy to call it whatever you want".
"This is a risky conversation" she smiled teasingly.
"Why is that..."
"Because we expose ourselves it becomes more than physical" she smiled moving to claim his lips softly.
"In my opinion were in too deep to just walk away now" he confessed deepening the kiss.
"That's what scares me" she confessed as she moved to straddle him lap.

She woke as the sun spread through the window, warming her face.
She saw him sleeping peacefully watching his chest and rise and fall softly, his kind face peaceful as he rested. She could feel so many emotions when she looked at him, they thrilled her it was a feeling that wasn't new to her but something she hadn't felt in a long time.
It scared her to let people in, to trust others to give them any power over her life, her feelings but she couldn't seem to stop this.

He opened his eyes sleepily, "morning" he grinned.
"Morning" she smiled back.
"I was waiting for  the cold bed I thought I may wake up to this morning" he confessed.
"I'm sorry for last night, this just this isn't what I had planned to get into. But I don't regret us, this, it's just..."
"You don't owe me an explanation sweetcheeks, just to let you know I don't regret this, and I will never regret meeting you, knowing you like this no matter the complications" he spoke sincerely.
She did the only thing she could do  and smiled moving to softly claim his lips, feeling the passion resurfacing within her.
"I don't regret you, how could I" she smiled happily.
"I'm glad, so how about for a change we go out, do something. Fancy going for lunch?" He smirked pulling away.
"Lunch?" She chuckled.
"It's nearly lunchtime" he laughed.
"Oh yes, it's been a long time since I've slept in like that, someone must have worn me out"
"I'll take that as a compliment" he smirked.
"It was meant as one" she grinned moving to stroke his hardened ground length beneath the covers.
"Oh god Connie" he moaned loudly.
She smirked, " well I need some clothes how about, we go back to my hotel and we can go out for dinner?" She suggested seeing the surprise in his face  at her change of heart.
"Sounds perfect" he smiled moving from the bed to reveal his full figure to her, not hiding his erection as he moved to the door way.
"Shower?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh definitely" she laughed moving to the door, he grinned grabbing her arm and sweeping her into the bathroom.
"God your so god damn beautiful" he smiled kissing her neck.
She felt him pressed against her, it turned her on as she teased him, switching on the water.
This felt right, she couldn't deny it, and she didn't as he eased her body under the water pinning her against the cold hard tiles.

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