Fitting in

425 16 3

I've got a very busy few days so I may not be update until Monday, but if I can before I will. Xx

"This is awquard" she hissed as he pulled her to sit in the middle of everyone.
"Well at least you know everyone's name, I'm still unsure. I did Say you didn't have it come" he smirked.
"I know it's good for me, it's just..."
"Out of your comfort zone" he grinned.
"Well yes" she smiled as she looked at his perfect smiling face.
She slumped into a chair as he carried over her drink, "wine always helps sweetcheeks" he winked handing her a large glass.
"So Jacob" Micheal Spence spoke looking from him to Connie, "what brought you to the U.K to train or is it just the obvious" he spoke his eyes lingering on Connie's bare legs for the numerous time this evening.
"Actually yes, just Connie" he smirked, "but what's theee hours on a plane home in comparison to coming home to her every night" he smiled kissing her softly.
"And your not worried about the age difference" he asked a little hostile still.
"No different than you and that young woman at the bar I'd say she's only 19. So why should age or whether I'm a little younger make any difference to me and Connie" he smirked watching Micheal open his mouth and shut it again.
"Feel free to help me out here babe" he smirked at Connie.
"You've clearly got it under control" she grinned stroking his leg softly.
"Well I for one think it's great" Donna said cheerily,
"And anything that keeps Connie happy has to be good for us" Jac snipped from the bar.
Connie glared at her, before moving her gaze back to Jacob. "One more drink?" She offered moving to stand, "I can get them" he smiled.
She place a hand to his chest, "its fine I see Charlie, and Elliot" she smiled.
"Charlie" she smiled.
"Hello" he grinned "didn't expect to see you in here".
"Not my usual haunt I know... but well the Same could be said for you" she turned to Elliot the disapproval clear on her face. "You were discharged less than 24 hours ago" she moaned.
"Well I was just catching up, I'll be home after this one I Promise" he smiled uncomfortably under her glare.

"I'll tell you what you finish that and I'll drive you home myself" she said sternly.
He rolled his eyes before nodding, "so anyway enough of me, seems your looking very Cosy" he grinned looking over to Jacob laughing with everyone.
She paused watching him for a moment before turning back see them both staring at here.
"What!" She snipped.
"Nothing" Charlie grinned, "just nice to see you happy" he said kindly.
Her defensive stance softened, "I didn't plan it, it's messy but it just feels.." her gaze lost in his direction again.
"Right" Elliot offered and she nodded.
"Well I like him" Charlie smiled.
"Everyone does" Elliot grinned, "and let's say everyone has noticed the change in you" he finished. "It's amazing how much you over hear as a patient" he chuckled.
"We've been professional, I've been professional" she spoke looking appalled.
"Nobody said you hadn't" Charlie sniggered watching her glare at him.
"I just meant your calmer, more tolerant it's a good god thing, everyone thinks he's Having a positive influence. No one has even mentioned your professionalism it hasn't even been mentioned. Just your demenour is apparently I quote "less Dragon like" he  smiled.
She rolled her eyes.. "well His father is coming tomorrow, so don't hold your breathe. He won't approve I'm sure, not that I care but let's jut hope it's a flying visit" she spoke drinking her drink.

"Con-nie " Jacob whined as he moved in behind her, she usually would have found it too much of a PDA but with him she found she couldn't object.
"Can we leave now, I want you to myself" he smiled kissing her neck.
She smiled moving to face him, "soon" she grinned, "your a little drunk already" she smirked.
He nodded kissing her softly "you know your just so beautiful" he whispered meting her lips softly, "let me take you Home" he groaned seductively. "Give me 10" she smiled meeting his gaze as he nodded before heading off to the toilets, "don't just don't" she spoke before she even looked up to see both men smiling at her.

Ten minuites later, she felt his eyes in her and she had to admit she had had enough,mtanding and moving to the bar...
"Drink up you, your going home to rest" she snipped regain some control.
"Okay okay" Elliot moaned moving from his chair.
"Night Charlie"she smiled.
Everyone said their goodbyes as they left, Jacobs arms resting around her waist as they made it to the car.

She snuggled under the covers, "That was nice" he smiled moving to nestle until feeling her cold feet against his leg.
"Hmmm" she smiled into his chest.
"Your cold" he moaned.
"Warm me up then" she smirked cuddling in tighter to him.
"I have a more exciting way to warm you up" he suggested moving to claim her lips hearing a light moan escape her, as she arms wrapped around his neck.
"You make me happy you know that" she spoke staring at him her words sincere.
"I do, you make me happy too" he grinned moving to claim her lips and move above her as her legs wrapped around his waist.

She lay looking at the light reflections on the ceiling as he slept his arm draped across her body protectively.She closed her eyes willing sleep to come but the fear of having this ripped from her when Lucas arrived tomorrow, meant it was hopeless.
She resigned herself to sleep deprivation as he pulled her in closer to him, almost reading her thoughts as he slept as she relished being tight in his embrace. She couldn't loose him, if she had to she'd fight. But maybe just maybe things would go her way and she wouldn't have to. Tomorrow would decide which way this would go, all she could do now was listen to him breathing as his chest gently rose and fell as she rested upon him content.

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