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"Yes Butch. I can go out tonight. But you have to get approval from my best friend." I say as I get out of his car

"Of course. 7 tonight?" He asks

"Works for me." I say and shut the door, walking into the school

"Hey Diana." Sydney says as I walk over to her

"Hey. You and Max going out tonight?" I ask

"No. We are planning on going to the flea market this weekend. You and Butch want to join us?" She asks

"I don't know. Since the first day Max showed up, those two haven't gotten along." I say "Besides, Max still doesn't know that I'm with Butch."

"You should tell him. He deserves to know that his best friend is dating Butch." She says

"What about Butch?" Max asks as he walks over to our lockers

"Nothing Max." I quickly say and look at Syd

She holds her hands up and nods.

"Hey, you still staying at my apartment while your mom is out for the rest of the month?" I ask

"Yeah." He says

"Alright. Well I'll see you later." I say

Max looks at my then my bag and Wind probably pokes out a little. I walk away.

Why would he care about anything with Butch? Those two don't get along so they? Wind asks

"I don't know." I say as I pull out my phone and see that Ferris sent something

I head back towards Max and grabs his shoulder. He turns back and looks at me. I sigh.

"Your Uncle Ferrus sent us something." I say

"I'll let you two talk." Sydney says

We walk towards an empty hallway.

"What's up?" He asks as he crosses his arm

"Forge texted me saying that they have eyes on Toxzon." I whisper

"So be prepared to leave early?" He asks

I'm about to answer when the walls right beside us explode. Max tackles me out of the way before anything can hit me.

"Where are they?! I know they are here!" Toxzon yells

He's looking for you two. How are you supposed to transform? Wind asks me

I look at Max and nods. He grabs my hand and we run to an empty classroom and transform.

"Let's do this." I say

Diana Wind (Max Steel Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now