The Zombies

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I head out the door with my backpack on and Zoe walking along side me. I look over and see a Zombie eating a girl.

"Zoe run." I whisper and we run down through the woods.

"Freya im tired." She calls

I forgot she was only six "here." I say and lift her on my shoulders.

I have been running for 3 hours and still havent found anything at all.

"Uhh." I groan.

"Freya." zoe asks.

"Yeah." i say

"I wuv you." She calls and I squeeze her thighs.

'I love you to," I say.

I find a nice little tree to climb. I lift Zoe up into the tree and I climb up after. I take a blanket out of the bag and wrap it over Zoe.

"Night Zo." I say

"Night Freya." she calls and lays on my lap.

I watch the stars twinkle and I slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake to the sound of voices.

"Uhh Jake where the hell are we going." Some one calls

"I don't know where ever the freaking Zombies arn't." Im guessing Jake says

"Smart ass." The other says.

"Come lets go." Jake yells.

I watch them pass our tree.

"I hate this fucking forest." The other guy yells.

I shout to them " Watch your mouths there is a kid here."

They turn and see me.

"Oh sorry, Im Christian." he adds.

"Oh and Im jake." the other calls.

"Well Christian and Jake Im Freya and this is my sister Zoe." I say.

"So do you girls want to come with us." Jake asks.

"Sure." i say and pass Zoe down from the tree.

"let me help you down." Jake says.

"Im good thanks." I say

I walk to the edge of the tree and swing off it and land into a flip.

"WOW." Christian says

"How?" Jake asks

"before this I was a gymnast and in the International football tem."

"Oh thats awesome." Jake calls.

"Come on lets go." I say.

2 hours later.

We found a lake and a small cabin. I rush to the cabbin. I turn the handle and its unlocked. Hmm.. I walk in and throw my bag in. I grab my spare clothes out the bag. its a bikini and some shirts and shorts. I throw the bikini on and put Zoe's little 1 peice on. I run out and dive into the water. The cool water hits my face.

I dive under, the water feels so good, unlike the heat in those hot clothes.

I get back for air and see Zoe and Christian playing. I smile and hop out. I see a Zombie coming out of the bush. Zoe can't see it. I grab my bow. Christian backs away with Zoe. The Zombie walks forward. I aim and shoot it hits the zombie straight in the heart.

Christian looks at me. I smile and put the bow back.

"Thanks Freya." He says

"No problem.

He leans for a hug and I hug him.

"Are you going to get married?" Zoe asks

"No we are just friends." I say

We all head inside and I smell a really good smell coming from the kitchen. I see Jake cooking potatoes and some soup.

I smile" Thanks Jake." I say

"No problem, everyone has a strenght and mine is cooking." he says

"Thank goodness." I say and give him a hug. I walk out into the lounge and sit on the dusty chairs.

Jake gives us food and we wolf it down.

I set out the sleeping arangements.

Zoe and I and Jake and Christian.

We head off to bed and I fall asleep.

I hear a noise and grab my bow.

I walk down the hall.

I hide behind the couch. I see a faint shadow. I get my bow ready and aim at the door.

"Lou stop eating it its mine." Someone calls

I furrow my eyes confused

"Hazz Niall's being mean." Someone calls

Haz, Lou and Niall?

"Come on stop it there are Zombies lets just get rest." a firm voice calls

"Ohhhhh I want that bikkie." Someone yells

"Uggg Im tired." A voice yells

I deepen down and watch them walk in.

I have an Idea.

"uggggg raaaa." I imatate a zombie

"aaaaahhhhhhhhh." Someone screams

I laugh and hold my stomach.

"hey Zombie's don't giggle." One says

"Your right Im not a Zombie." I say

"Ohh I did'nt scream." One calls

"Ofcourse you didn't Lou." One says

"Thanks Haz" He says

"I was being sarcastic." I think the Haz says

"Oh." The Lou one says

"Ok guys come in, I can't see you so I'll find out names and things in the morning." i say

"Find a place to sleep." i say and the walk in diferent directions.

I walk into my room and feel a larger body than before.

I hop in and put Zoe infornt of me. The order goes, Zoe, Me and a random.

I cuddle into zoe and the random moves me around so I face him.

I look and see his beautiful green eyes and he cuddles closer. I fall asleep in his arms.

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