Chaper 1: Minx Robbery

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Opening my weighted dry eyes, I was surprised to be met with shimmering gorgeous brown eyes staring hopefully back into mine. "Y-your awake..." she mumbled quietly in complete and utter disbelief staring at me as if she had seen a ghost, before I could even attempt to make sense of the situation arms wrapped tightly round my sore neck and pulled me from the frozen smooth metal I was propped up against. Confusion fogged my mind and I glanced round the illuminated blue room mysterious machines lining the wall and a chilly electric static hung in the air. This unfamiliar girl seemed absolutely overjoyed to see me? Who is she? Glancing her over my mind was completely blank.... As I tried to recollect my thoughts everything started falling into a numb pitch blackness...


Pulling my numb tired limps from my bed I rubbed at my drooping eyes my mouth agape as a yawn escaped into the lingering darkness. My throat screamed for nourishment as I coughed trying to get rid of the unbearable scratchy feeling that made me want to claw my own throat out to stop the never-ending annoyance. shuffling my feet carefully down the cascading steps I rounded the corner and went straight to fridge wanting to soothe my thirst. Plucking a water bottle from the fridge I unscrewed the cap and chugged at the cold reliving water the aching fading away.

A clatter of noise drew my attention to the living room some hushed voices echoing off the thin walls. None of the voices strike a familiar resemblance and left me frozen to the spot in realization that they could be rogue robbers that had slithered their way into humble abode. Taking a few deep sharp breaths I picked up the heaviest object in sight, a bottle of fizzy pop and took a few slow fragile steps towards the voices my body trembling with every movement in fear of the endless possibilities of failure.

Leaning round the chipped white door frame the figures of two males were framed before my eyes, both were huddled in front of the black screened TV they were staring at it seeming completely perplexed, they started fiddling with wires and buttons. Before I could let out a warning scream for hopeful help a hand harshly covered over my mouth yanking me forward into the crowed room a allusive third male locked me in his grip keeping his hand tightly grasped over my mouth. Squirming and struggling, I desperately fought against his will, The fizzy pop falling to the floor with a hollow metallic thump as bubbles erupting the surface of the liquid like a volcano about to spontaneously erupt.

"I found the gal" the man presented me in front of the others their features were sharp in the dim orange glow of the street light outside that seeped through the slim crack in the curtains. The first male I laid eyes on gave me a quick glance with his deep brown eyes his hair an array of whites, slivers and blonde tips. Though as soon as I had his attention it quickly shifted back to the Tv as he started pulling it apart. A flash of Blue hair pushed up in front of me as glimmering green eyes stared straight into mine. "Well, ain't she a cute one" he beamed moving stands of my hair out of my face as I screamed yet it only came out as muffled mumble, flailing my legs about I tried desperately to make the creep retreat.

"Maybe we can keep her alive?" Green eyes questioned hopefully, as if I was a aimless kids toy that would simply entertain him for a mere day. A coldness lingered down spin as the bloke behind me nuzzles his face into my neck almost lovingly. "We certainly could" his grip loosened round my mouth allowing me protest sharply "I'm dating! So get the fu*k off of me" I struggled manically finally getting lose and shoving him away "come on I'll be better than them" he cooed still having a tight clamping grip on my now bruised arm, embarrassment embraced me briefly "I'm d*mn loyal" I shouted outraged still shaking in fear, finally wrenching myself completely free, silver turned to me and stared at me for a moment his cold mahogany eyes seeming to stare into mine for a deeper answer which only cause droplets brim over my eyes as terror enveloped me. "Go F*ck Yourselves" taking my fading chance I sprinted for the doorway, fleeing up the stairs as they creaked under my every step. Barging into my bedroom I locked my door instantly  then leaped into bed hauling the covers over my head in fright hoping the covers would conceal my trembling form and make me vanish from existence.

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