Chapter 2: Chaotic Crowd

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A slince eerily linger for a few moments as if they were never here to begin with maybe it was all just a horrific nightmare I'd finally woken up from. Then a the clicking and jamming of the door handle alerted me bringing me back to twisted reality. A bang sent splinters flying across my room as I dared to peek from the covers.

The door swung open smashing against the wall flinching I caught a glimpse of sliver hair before concealing my eyes. Holding my breath footsteps drew closer causing my heart to thump louder in my tight chest as if it would break my fragile ribcage in a matter of insignificant secounds. Finger tips pushed under my duvet a hand reached under millimeters away my face. In frightened defense I bared my teeth, they just bearly grazing his skin before he pulled the cover away and stared down at me sharply his eyes showed no emotion just a deep bottomless emptiness. "I'll come back for you" he spoke lowly his voice quite almost holding a vague gentleness, with that his grip losened leaving the duvet to fall, he turned round on his heels leaving me staring after his figure, as soon as I heard the sound of the front door clicking shut I let out a gasping sigh of relief.

Pulling out my phone I started to frantically text my love, I'd never met them face to face but over the last year I'd fell head over heels in love with them, I knew they were genuine and all I had longed for was to meet them face to face.

"These men just broke into my house pulled apart my TV... and thretened to come back for me" staring hopefully down at the phone I took deep breaths trying to calm my rattled nerves. Normally they'd reply isntantly..... glaring down at the illuminated screen worry started fogging my vision as my cheeks became saturated in tears.

"What?? Get out of that house now, then call the cops" finally they replied but before I could reply a shock of static exploded down my spine as a scream priced the crisp silent air propelling me from my comfy covers. Drawing back the curtains I peered curiously down at the Green infront my window. Before I could spot the source the Tv in my room sparked to life making me flinch in suprise already on edge. The local news lit up the screen. Red glared across the screen warnings popping up "Secound Bomb Attack Thretened" I was left in a state of utter confusion. There was a first? A foggy memory came to mind almost a nightmare like scenario recollection... I couldn't remember it all only small snippets. Everything since I woke up seemed to explode into chaotic reality. Glancing out the window I saw people starting to group together, maybe it was for an evacuation?

Stumbling about I quickly got dressed and frantically packed my backpack stuffing it to the brim I ran down the stairs managing to shove some food in and a bottle and fleed out the door locking it behind me and shoving the key in my pocket. Strolling into the group gathered on the green I glanced around trying to spot a familiar face but none struct a resemblance. A paniced chatter filled the air as more gathered on the already packed green trapping me in the busseling crowd.

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