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Regret is a complex emotion that takes so much comprehension and deep thought that most animals can't feel it. Regret is one of the most unpleasant and hard to deal with feelings, so much so that you may not even realize how complicated and how many other strong emotions it's tied with.

Regret is not just the feeling of wanting to take something back that was said or done, but is one of the reactions that it causes. Regret is actually by definition the feeling of disappointment, sadness, or remorse over something that's happened, not just desiring it not to have happened at all.

I feel that knowing that there are two different ways to look at regret is important because rarely do I wish that something was taken back, but all too often do I feel the weight of the true meaning of regret.

Either because of my stubborn nature or unrealistic ideas, I think most bad things that happen to us are ways to learn and grow, even if we'd rather skip some lessons. And while I do think that's the bigger picture in it all, that doesn't even for a second mean that I don't still suffer from it any less than anyone else.

Just like anyone else going through a painful experience I still do sob at night with the overwhelming realizations of it, in quiet places I can still feel the sting of an unwanted memory, and in my hardest times, I'm still consumed with the impossible idea of it to have been different.

But the main thing I've come to accept that's helped me is that you can't change the things that have happened. But what you can do is use the past regrets to help you become stronger and better in the future, and maybe even help someone else along the way.

(I hope this helps anyone that understands what I'm talking about)

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