I have a sister?

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Damian's POV

"Grayson...Drake...Todd. Why are you standing outside my door?" I asked as I opened my door to see the three idiots.

"Well, Mr. Devil. We came cause Bruce wants you to meet him in the Batcave." Grayson said as I sighed.

"Fine, but next time, just bring one of you and not all three." I said as Todd chuckled.

"Then, you would kill someone for trying to drag you away." He said as I smirked to myself.

"You know me all too well." I said as I saw Pennyworth approach us.

"Master Bruce would like to see you now." Pennyworth said as I nodded.

"Thanks, Alfred." Grayson said as Pennyworth left and I walked off to the cave.

"You wish to see me, Father?" I asked as I saw Father, as usual, checking the security cameras.

"Damian, I need to tell you something." Father said as I raised an eyebrow.

"Tell me what??" I asked as I saw him turn to face me.

"Damian, I got a call from your mother. You have...a sister." He said as my eyes widened.

"I have a sister? Older or younger?"

"Older. We'll be meeting her later." Bruce said as I nodded and he dismissed me.

I went to the living room and saw Grayson, Todd, and Drake watching a movie.

"Hey, Damian. What did Bruce say?" Grayson asked as I crossed my arms.

"He says I have an older sister. I don't know her but we're suppose to meet her later." I said as I heard the bat sensors go off.

"Guess that's now." Todd said as we stood up.

We all head to the Batcave where there we saw Father already in his suit.

"Killer Croc. He broke into Arkham Asylum." Father said as we acknowledged and went on our way.


Dick's POV

It took a while to get there due to the fact that every block Tim and I drove on, it was always blocked by cop cars.

"Nightwing, where is your location?" I heard Bruce say through the com link.

"We made it to the Asylum but there's no damage on the outside of the building which means he's still inside." I replied before Tim and I grappled to the windows.

When we entered in, we saw him stealing weapons.

"Hey Croc? You have got to get a better gig." I said as he turned and growled at me.

"You're dead meat now, circus freak." He said as he lunged at me.

I smirked before I flipped up and gripped the water pipe and kneed him in his jaw. He backed up and held his jaw as his lizard eyes shot daggers in my chest.

He then started twitching before falling. When I looked closely, a girl around my age stepped out of the shadows.

 When I looked closely, a girl around my age stepped out of the shadows

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"You're welcome." She said as I just stared at her. Let me give a good description about her.

She had beautiful blue eyes, dark brown shiny hair, light skin that's almost white, rosy red cheeks, perfect curves, toned body, and good attitude.

"So, you're Nightwing, huh?" She asked as she walked towards me.

"Yeah, H-How'd you know?" Great, I'm stuttering.

"My mom told me that I would meet my father and my little brother soon. But I didn't think she meant this soon." She said as I nodded and tried hard not to blush at her.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Diara Wayne Al Ghul. I'm Bruce Wayne's daughter."

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