2.the reveal

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Aqua's POV
    When she swam off to where ever she was going I floating dazed and confused.Till my mom called out to me and brought me back to reality."Aqua Aqua where are you it is dinner time where are you"that automatically brought me back and I started to swim back to the ship by the time I got back there everybody was already sitting down at the table waiting for me there was a awkward silence when I came in it was like everybody knew something that I didn't I came in and sat down and took my pants while I'm not looking at me looking at each other and then looking at my siblings to finally tell me something that they have been hiding from me for a long time they told me the full story of how they got me it turned out I was not adopted and not theirs I was found it took me awhile to process this and by the time I did I went crazy I asked them how I could not be adopted but not there as how I was found they won't look me in the eye just yet and this star to get on my nerves I started racing boys until I realized that it will get nowhere with it so I tried to calm down after while of awkward silence and eyeballing them they finally told me what I want to hear will not what I wanted to hear but what I needed to hear and what I wanted to know( but little did I know how much that would change my life) it took a but they finally came out and said it they had found me when they were on their first trip on this ship near the rock bay where they had almost wrecked wreck the ship trying to get past it so if you figure in the water with a bundle apparently me and figured just left me there they took the little boat out to get me they thought I was just some bundle I don't know but once it got closer they realized I was a baby they had no idea where I came from but they took this as a blessing because earlier they figured out that they can never have children but after a while they figured out that they could they took that as a miracle to I have no idea why but they still raised me as their own and for that I was always grateful but I want to figure out who or what I came from after I have heard all this news I said I had to go get some air and I got excused from the table I lost my appetite for that day I just couldn't wait I was wondering where I actually came from who my parents were and why they found why they found me on the rock all these questions in my head I just could not eat it just left me wondering and wondering who really am I

Avolon's POV
    When I got back to my house and told my parents what has happened to me that night the response I expected was that response I got I expect them to give me an explanation of why this happened and just say that it was just a coincidence or something but instead I got this look this question look that they would not look me in the eye again it only happened once before when they told me that they were pregnant with my siblings but I don't know why they're doing it now I asked them why and they did not give me a response I kept pushing and pushing for them to tell me why they are looking that way and why this happened to me tonight why this human look like me but I get no response until they told me to go to bed that they would talk to me in the morning and I tried to argue but they use the parents know best card and that they guaranteed me that that we will talk in the morning so I went but I still can't help to wonder who is that girl and why does she have the same face as me and why they feel somehow connected to her but by the time I got to my Chambers my head was so filled with so many questions that I couldn't sleep I set my bed and pondered on all these questions trying to come up with answers but there was none I just kept coming up with more more questions but game less unless answers by the time the end of the night happened but I'm morning came around I somehow dozed off or something because I'm waking up to a guard with telling me to wake up and that my parents won't see me I wasn't to hear the answers of what lies ahead but somehow I felt that it could somehow changed my life I know if it was for good or for bad but I knew it would change my life
          By the time I got to the throne room a parents were in the hay is that even know it's me come in they were so deep and worry of out no but she even noticed that I came in was just swimming there in one spot until I made my presence known with me abruptly clearing my throat they jumped so high I started to laugh but I knew this the series Mash so abruptly stopped by the time everything else was cleared and everybody was serious again my parents finally told me that long ago when I was just a newly-born no baby I had twin sister but she was taken from us by this evil merfolk that was working for the bad dark Emerald I have course have never heard of this dark Emerald but they said that it was a bad group of merfolk that one to take over the kingdom and they may to get away with my twin sister which they had planned to get way with me and her so there would be no heirs to the throne and when my parents were close to dying they would take over but the plan did not succeed you see because my parents came in just in the nick of time to save me but unfortunately they could not save my twin sister which  they had named Aqua we both had a necklace that has names on it mine says Avalon and her said Aqua they told me and they searched the sea for her but never found her and soon they gave up and they just had never tell me of her cuz they knew it would just break my heart of having a twin sister that I never knew about yeah you would see how that could hurt anybody but I knew this was her I had no idea how she was human but this was her I could hear her calling to me I don't know if she knew she was calling to me but I heard her calling to me I wanted to go to her

Hey guys sortry if there was some wrong words but I did this over the speaker so Yeah and I didn't bother to add periods  hope you don't mind and sorry if   it is bad I'm still learning about this so stay with me

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