3.meeting again pt1

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Aqua P.O.V
I was seeing out there for hours thinking and thinking all I had to include was the I had to see that girl again the girl with the blue eyes blonde hair and green tail if I was a mermaid will I look exactly like her too but I have my own tail how do mermaids how did I come to be "I am so confused right now"
"What are you confused about"she said There She is again that girl that looks exactly like me We started blankly at each other until we both spoke "who are you" we said the exact same time we both laughed and she said something that I never knew or expected her to say "come with me I want to show you something" I was frightened and taken back by this weirded out by this strange girl that looks exactly like me but in a fishtail and that she want me to go with her I I didn't answer for a couple seconds and then she said "I won't hurt you don't worry come" on parently I made up my mind before I knew it I was to the edge of the boat where you could jump off but before I did my mind took a hold again and wondering where we're going and how to get there I can't breathe underwater and I can't go that far from the ship without my parents worrying about me so I asked her "hey where are we going" she was taken back then she acted like she just remembered something it looked like to remember that they have a tail but there's something in my head saying just do it that think about it later after you did so I jumped in I I swam a little bit to her and then all sudden my legs start to glow I stopped all the sudden to put down another look down they start to shift from my belly button down I started do have my legs come together it hurt like little pins sticking into your leg every single scale was a pin sticking to your leg and my leg started to go a little bit so I can have a tail at least that's why I was thinking a little bit left I was finally getting used to the pain I fainted I don't know why it did but all I remember that night is waking up again in a cave no not a cave it looks like one but it looks like a room too when I finally got my head together there she was again in the corner of the room thank you then all the sudden I heard a faint whisper I looked around she wasn't talking but it was like I could hear someone talking worrying saying "who is she I know who she is wait what no she has a tail but I have no idea what's happening I should of never came I should never went to go get her What am I going to do how am I going to explain this to Mom and Dad oh no Mom and Dad" I acted like I was asleep until I can't hear any more until I knew that she was a thought withhold home was thinking how my hearing her like this always put the thought aside for now on until I figured out what was going on then all of a sudden I looked around I saw what was coming up there was no I'm creating it and I realize something all those are all said I couldn't breathe I started gasping for air and then she said what's a voice much similar to mine "calm down calm down you can breathe don't worry yes your underwater but calm down you can breathe" it took me a second to recognize her words to analyze them when they finally did I called them and I could breathe what you made me feel like a fool once we were both calm down we finally got to talking she told me that I was from the end of our kingdom and she asked if I knew who I was all I said was that I knew that I was adopted but just now and I didn't believe her saying I was from underwater Kingdom this whole time I've been sitting on the bed not really recognizing my bottom half until all the sudden she starts swimming away I get up try to move my legs and then I remember my legs were straight and  a tail so I started freaking out thinking I was drowning and then she came back helping me get back on the bed and helping me learn how to fix my tail it took a while but I was finally getting hang of it well a little of it and then I asked what time it was she said it was night time almost in time for her which I was guessing was around the same time I had dinner with my family I started to worry that they must have been worried sick about me so I asked where we were and how far we were from my ship she said not far so she took me back she said that she would come back tomorrow late so meet me here at there at 10 o'clock when everybody else is asleep when she left I was left contemplating what to do if I should meet her there at the end of the ship or if I should just go to sleep tomorrow I think I said that I will just sleep on it tonight and when I went to sleep I went to my room home went to sleep

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