4.meeting again pt2

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Avalon P.O.V
I didn't know what I was doing there but before I could recognize what I was doing I was already half way there and it was to late to turn back I swam there half in a daze and I really didn't know what I was going to do or say to her when I got there but I didn't care i had to see her she was drawling me to her I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this way I didn't know I felt this way half empty I know the only time I felt full was when I was looking at her family you see when I was little I would sneak out of the castle to look at the land families hers were my favorite they would always be at the beach having picnics or swimming I would never go close enough to shore to see her full appearance and her hair would almost always be up so I didn't notice her hair was the exactly like me if we had mirrors down at my house and I was looking at it that would be her except she had feet I was watching her for awhile before I got up enough courage to speak up to announce my presence but when I did she was in the middle of talking to herself about what she is going to do and how she is confused when I budded in She jumped she didn't know I was there and when I asked her to come with me she was confused she was still freaking out that we say eachother I bet she believed mermaids weren't real ha little does she know

I told her to come with me I really wanted to show her something that is sacret she was hestitent at first and it took sometime for her to believe me but she finally she listened to me and jumped in She wasn't even in the water for 10 seconds when she started to scream and I saw that she was transforming at least that is what I thought was happening I have never saw this before today I never knew that this could happen she was slowly turning first her legs were coming togather then scales started to pop up one by one it looked like it hurt but soon after she was down transforming she was about to talk when she fainted so I took her to my secret hideout where we could talk and have privacy it didn't take long for her to wake up but it felt like it took forever me awkwardly staring at her sleeping but I couldn't take my eyes off her she look exactly like me except for tail with a little bit of different color of mine just like her eyes but you could not tell just by looking at her you would have to know us well me to know that we are not exactly look like to anybody else it was then my yourself but to me I knew she was different When she finally woke up

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