4. New Friendship

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(A/N: So guys. I really hope you like this story so far. I would be really happy if you could comment or vote! So here is chapter 4! Enjoy it! <3)

Another day of school. I was about to make my way to school when my stomach started to protest. I sighed and grabbed an apple. After finishing my "breakfast", I put my shoes and a warm coat on. It was really cold outside but the beautiful sight of white snow everywhere lightened my mood a tiny bit. I arrived at school and went to the bathroom. I  looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was flying in every direction, my cheeks were red and my nose was red from the cold aswell. My eyes looked greyish-green. Like always. I didn´t look to bad, but not good. I smiled a bit and grabbed my bag.

Sitting in history I waited for Louis to arrive, but he didn´t. I waited and waited. The clock told me that class started 30 minutes ago. Louis is always late but...30 minutes? Suddenly my deep thoughts were interupted by somebody. 

"Good Morning Mrs.Adams!" Louis said cheerfully and handed her a paper while Mrs.Adams glared at him because he interrupted her class. " Sorry for being late. It was a family emergency" he said and smiled.

"Fine. Just knock next time. Now sit down" Mrs. Adams said after she read the paper.

Louis glanced around the classroom and his eyes landed on me. We had a short moment where I looked back but started blushing and tried to hide my blush by looking down at my desk. Louis walked towards me and took place next to me.

"Morning, Styles. I am sorry for yesterday. Hope you are not to mad at me. Just tried to help, you know?" Louis said and played with his thumbs.

I took a paper and started writing. "It´s fine. I should be the one to apologize. You just wanted to help. I get it. :) " I handed him the paper and he smiled.

"Liam told about you helping that Irish kid when James was about to hurt him. I didn´t know you two are close. He seemed nice yesterday though. I think Liam likes him." Louis whispered and looked at Niall who sat behind us and made sure that he didn´t hear what Louis was saying.

I raised an eyebrow. "We are not exactly close. He needed help and I told Liam to help him. That´s it. But yeah he is a really nice boy. It´s sad really..." 

Louis read the words a few times and looked a bit confused. " What is sad Harry? I don´t get it."

" It´s sad that he gets bullied. Just because of his Irish accent. He is too kind to defend himself." I wrote down and Louis´ confused but still happy face fell.

" H-he get´s bullied... j-just because of his accent? But he seems sooo nice! That´s not fair." Louis whispered and glared at James who sat in the front. 

Louis and I talked the whole time and he is really as nice as I thought. He told me about his family. How his mother broke up with his dad, about his 7 half siblings. But he said he only lives with 6 of them, his mum and his step dad. Harry had to smile at how adorable Louis is when he talks about his siblings. His whole face lights up and he has this stupid grin that he can´t get off his face.

In lunch I sat at my usual table in the back of the hall but this time Niall decided to join what caused my heart to warm up and do this little jump thing whenever somebody truly wants to spent time with me. It was really nice. He talked a lot about football and music. I think it is really cute how he talks about Justin Bieber 90% of the time. I listen closely but never say something myself. He doesn´t though. As long as I nod sometimes and give him a little smile now and then it´s alright for him. I noticed him blushing whenever he mentioned Liam or when he glanced over to us. It´s cute really. 

In music class we had to continue working on our songs. Niall and I exchanged some lyrics ideas and tried to create a good song but it somehow didn´t really work. My mind wasn´t really there either. I had to think about Louis and the blonde girl in front of me. He had his arm around her tiny waist and kissed her cheek. He whispered something in his ear and Louis started to leave a trail of kisses on her neck. She giggled and cupped his face to kiss his lips. Oh how I wish I could kiss him like that. I wish he would hold me like that and not this barbie-slut. I wish...

"Harry? Harry?" Niall´s voice brought me back to reality. I turned my face to look at him and he had this weird knowing look on his face again. It freaks me out.

"You zooned out, mate. Everythings alright?" He laughed and looked at Louis and his bitch. I quickly noded and continued to think about song lyrics.  After class Niall asked me to hang out after school I gladly accepted.

First we drove to nandos. His parents must be rich because he has a black maserati. At nandos I realized how much this little kid can eat. He ordered 2 meals for himself and ate half of mine because I couldn´t (wanted) eat so much.

After eating at Nandos we drove to his place to hang out....It´s really nice to be friends with Niall. He is really nice and I am glad to have him...

(A/N: So this is a short chapter because i´m lazy so I hope you enjoyed it. I will update soon because this was so short. I love yyou guys please comment!

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