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Grace: John, I think I like him!

John: Why are we texting rn?!

Grace: Because I saw him run by and I'm worried I'm gonna find him!

John: GRACE NO!!


Grace POV

As I followed Ezra my crush a football player a quarterback to be exact. I've liked him since the 6th grade. I'm pretty sure he likes me but you know I'll wait and keep waiting while my brain sits in a hellish thunderstorm until I know for sure.

OK aside of my creepy crush. He is also a friend so I decided chase after him to see if he was OK. As I approached the locker room I found a football outfit. Hey he may be my crush but I'm still a girl and I didn't know what he was doing in there.

I walked in he was in there crying. I poked him. He turned and pulled a knife out. I took the helmet off quickly. He noticed who I was quickly.

"Hey Grace" he said

"Hey, Ezra" I answered as I grabbed his face and kissed him. He gave me a look that was reassuring he liked it. But he didnt say anything.

John POV

I was happy Grace got her boy but there was something going in in the room next to them.

They guys and I walked to the girls locker room and went in. In the room we found a girl that looked like a cheerleader chained to the wall already dead unidentifiable her face was beaten so bad.

Then there was a small red head gaged and bruised lying on the floor crying. She was bloodied and in really bad condition.

"Get me out of my misery." She said.

Grace and Ezra walked in the room.

"OK." Grace said as she shot the girl.

We saw Michael turn the other corner. Holding a knife. He went behind Lance and put the knife to his neck.

The Purge: High School NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now