Special Message part 2

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Edwin POV

When we heard the scream we stood put. After that intercom message we were fucking scared. I need John here with me. We heard the sound of a saw. So I run toward the sound. I saw John and Grace but I also saw Coach Klansky on the wall. The saw went right over Grace and Johns heads but it also went right through Klansky I saw his blood and guts spill. I ran straight to the guys but they weren't there.

Michael POV

When Edwin left it was my chance to tell Lance how I feel.

    "I have something to tell you!" We both said in unison.

   "You go first." I offered.

   "I like you." He said. Omg I thought.

   "Its like we're connected...I like you too." I said. And all of the sudden his and was on my face and he was leaning in.

Authors Note

I've decided to split chapter 4 and decides to make it part 3
You will get the rest later tonight.

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