New Begininngs

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Souda POV

"Kaz! Wake up!"
I lazily rolled over, an agitated huff sounding above me.
I peaked open an eyelid. Hikari, my now ten year old sister grinning over me.
"Explain why I have to be looking at your ugly mug this early before I go back to bed," I drawled playfully.
Her eyes twinkled, excitement and happiness on her still slightly cherub face. " It's four o' clock, time to go." She said in an excited but hushed voice. Reasonably so, our drunkard asshole of a father was sleeping, passed out from all the booze from last night. I awakened fully, a happy, determined grin on my face, showcasing my sharp white teeth.
"Let's go."


We grabbed our bags, packed and ready, from their hiding place under the broken and loose floor boards beneath my bed. We didn't dare go through the front door, who knows when that bastard may awake, and neither of us want to be here when he does. Hikari quietly opened the window and we began lowering our bags onto the branches of the nearest tree, thankfully not to far from my window. I crept out after, balancing myself on the sturdiest branch available, testing, grinning widely when it didn't creak or shake or tremble under my weight. I helped her down and we slowly made our descent. We grabbed our bags and ran away. Away from that house. To our new home.


We arrived at Hope's Peak thirty minutes layer. We walked through those massive gates and through the doors. Quickly, well as quickly as we could while not knowing where to go, we went to the dorm area. Finding the door labeled Kazuichi Souda, I took out my keys and opened the door.

The room was fairly simple, a Queen sized bed with blue sheets, a desk with a notepad and a few pens and pencils in a pencil holder, a door that could only be the bathroom along with some other peices of furniture throughout the room like a dresser, a TV and others. Hikari and I put away our clothes in the dresser and hung a few in the small closet in the corner.

We admired the room that'd we'd be living in for the next few years and looked around. There were a few things for my talent. A toolbox, nuts and bolts and screws in labeled containers near it, a box of scrap metal and parts that would no doubt be useful for whatever I would be required to make.
"Hey Kari. Pass me the acceptance letter from my bag," I said. "Here ya go!" She cheerfully said. It said that we, the 77th and 78th classes of Hope's Peak, were to report to the gym at eight. I checked the time. Still twenty minutes till the orientation time. I decided that I might as well start looking for the gym in this maze of a school. Hikari and I both agreed she'd stay in the room until I explained our circumstances to the headmaster. I winced. Not looking forward to that conversation. I left the room, leaving Hikari to play on the laptop I made a few months ago and locked the door behind me.

I walked throughout the first floor for about ten minutes, walking into rooms like the multi media room and a few others before I got to the gym. I slowly opened the doors and there were already quite a few others inside.

"YOU!!!" I jolted, stumbling back a bit as a finger pointed directly in my face, "AN EARLY RISER I SEE! A COMMENDABLE FEAT, I CAN SEE US GETTING ALONG IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!" A male voice shouted at me. I looked at him, spiky black hair and large red orbs with even larger eyebrows angled towards his nose. A pristine white outfit on home, black boots laced up. His smell hit me, a ton of bricks and a icy fucking tsunami hitting me all at once.


"Y-you're an omega?!?!" I stuttered out. He froze, sniffing the air and stared at me wide eyed. "ANOTHER LIKE ME?!?!" He shouted in disbelief, I winced slightly at his volume. He then grinned widely. " I AM ISHIMARU KIYOTAKA! THE ULTIMATE MORAL COMPASS, 78TH CLASS OF HOPE'S PEAK. FELLOW OMEGA!" He exclaimed excitedly, and I couldn't even blame him. Male omegas and female alphas had were very,very rare. Only one is born out of every hundred thousand babies on average. And to meet another oddity like me and Kari, made me grin so wide my cheeks started to hurt.

"I'm Souda Kazuichi, the Ultimate Mechanic, the 77th class. Nice to meet ya, Ishimaru-kun." I said earnestly.

(A/N I can't write so many fully capitalised words in a sentence without wanting to stab myself. I'm just a humble English top student. Sorry sweeties)

Ishimaru just laughed. "The pleasure is entirely mine, Souda-kun." He replied. " I have some one you should meet." He dragged me away from the doorway towards the bleachers against the wall. "Fujisaki-kun, I found another like us!" Ishimaru said to a short blonde sitting on the bottom bleacher.

The blonde was wearing a mass of dark greens and browns. A dark green top and a long brown skirt with black socks and brown Mary Janes.
"This is Fujisaki Chihiro. He is the ultimate programmer, 78th class, " Ishimaru introduced. The blonde looked up and smiled widely when he smelt my omega scent.

"Ah,hello! I didn't expect to meet another male omega here! What's your name?" Fujisaki smiled up at me. "I'm Souda Kazuichi, ultimate mechanic, 77th class. It's a pleasure."

The three of us talked for a little while before we heard a voice on the microphone at the podium.

"Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy."

And that's chapter one. I don't own danganronpa but I do own Hikari. I know exactly where a fic is heading for once ^_^. Also to clarify omegas are referred to as chan unless specified otherwise.

 Also to clarify omegas are referred to as chan unless specified otherwise

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M3 out

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