Flashback Number 1: Tutoring the New Kid???

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((Okay so every Flashback will be a continuation of the previous one and all will happen BEFORE the current events of this story. So I hope that'll help lower the confusion! ALSO Kazuichi and the new kid are speaking English to eachother))


Kazuichi quietly packed his things, pushing his thick rimmed, black glasses up the bridge of his nose, grabbing his bookbag. The teenager adjusted his uniform's pleated skirt before heading towards the door.

"Souda. Stay back a while, would you?" His teacher called from the front, the surrounding students snickered at the prospect of their classmate's possible misfortune.

"Okay," Kazuichi mummered out near inaudible in the noise. The pink eyed boy certainly wasn't the most outspoken of the crowd, nor was he anywhere near the status of a troublemaker, not in the slightest, which left him honestly confused. Why call on him of all people?

Nevertheless, the ravenette made his way to the teacher's table, staggering slightly from the push he received from behind, the offender snorting in cold amusement at his stuttering steps.

"Suzumiya! Detention tommorow evening!" The teacher shouted earning an eyeroll from the bully.


The raven looked at the student across from him nervously, recalling what his teacher had requested of him.

//”Souda, meet Kamekaze-kun. He's the new exchange student from the United States. I need you to tutor him for the semester, to get him better adjusted to our couriculum, okay? Unfortunately, he has some trouble with speaking and understanding Japanese, so you were the best candidate, " The teacher spoke, a silent plea going out for him to accept.

Kazuichi stared at the boy in front of him nervously, before hesistantly holding out his to the beta.

"Hi, I am Souda Kazuichi. What's your name?" Kazuichi spoke in English, a bit nervously. It is a bit obvious that he isn't a regular guy, which was made especially obvious from the way the blonde boy looked at him in confusion.

"I'm Alister Kamekaze. Sorry about this, I'm sure you've got better things to do," Alister said, looking at his feet shyly. 

"No no no, it's fine! Really!" Kazuichi said, he didn't want him to feel bad.

"Really?" Alister said hopefully.

Kazuichi just nodded nervously. There goes his chance at bailing.\\

"So, um, what do you need help with?" Kazuichi asked after a minute, breakimg the silence.

"Everything, really. Sorry, I'm just really bad at following japanese and writing Kanji."

"That's fine, tell you what, tomorrow, I'll bring some of my notebooks and start you off with Math and Japanese, okay?" Kazuichi suggested, getting up from his seat and picking up his bag.

"Thank you, that would be awesome!" Alister grinned, latching on to the shorter with a large hug, effectively making him drop his bag in shock. 

A beat of silence passed. Kazuichi internally screaming in his head. 

"Oh um sorry?" Alister said, scratching his head in embarassment, "I probably shouldn't have done that."

"It's alright, don't worry about it,"  Kazuichi dismissed his apologizes. 

"Thank you Souda!" Alister said, running off, his excitement evident.

Kazuichi just smiled faintly. He seemed nice enough.

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