MARCH 19, 1977

15 0 0

0500 hours 

It was 4:46 in the morning when I got called to the scene. I remember because I was startled by the sound of my pager going off.

By 5am, I could see red, blue and white light flashed in the distance as I drove up the road to the crime scene. When I got out of the car, I immediately spotted a body on the ground surrounded by police tape and the forensic team taking photos and samples for testing.

Scouting the area, I noted the empty carpark of Noosa National Park; the fresh tire marks on the ashfelt; and bullet casings of a semi-automatic 9mm revolver near the body. 

A short, stocky man approached me: "Detective, I am Detective Thomas Kinley. I believe this is your crime scene. What do you need me to do?"

"Bring me up to speed," walking over the body, I bend down and inspect the body. It was obvious what the cause of death was a bullet to the victims forehead. It was also clear that the body was only a couple of hours old as it still had the tiniest bit off colour to his skin. No marks indicated any signs of struggle. By the expression on the victims face and position of the bullet, it was a close range shot and by someone the victim knew.

"Victim was found with a wallet in his back pocket and is identified as Stephan Coper, 17 years-old. No sign of robbery as there is still money in the wallet. The body was found at 0430 hours when three german tourists were hiking to the top of the National Park to watch the sunrise." Carefully I note all this information as it could be useful in the investigation.

"Are they still here?"

"Yes detective, they are sitting over there with a few other detectives." He points to a group of blonde haired university students. By their body language and the way their eyes are glossy, it is obvious they are slightly distressed.

One thing I have learnt from this job and being on previous cases with detectives, distressed witnesses are usually not the most reliable, as fear can cloud the mind. Someone can see one thing, but remember it completely different when fear is mixed in with it. I take this into consideration when I talk to witnesses and collect statements. 

I nod at Detective Kinley and make my way across the taped off area to the three hikers; passing multiple forensic team members who were collecting samples; and police officers writing notes and dealing with the nosey public.

My eyes meet with one of the germans, a man which appeared to be in his early 20s. Next to him was two twin girls, both as well with blonde hair, blue eyes and in their early 20s.

"Good Morning sir, my name is Detective Jones. If it is alright with you, I would like to ask you and your friends some questions." The man looked at me and then at the two girls he was traveling with. Both the girls nodded to him and then he nodded to me.

"Thank you. Firstly, did you see or hear anything strange before you came across the body; foot prints, voices, gun shots?"

"No" The man replied.

"Are you sure sir?" At that moment, one of the two women looked a little startled and seemed like she had something to say. "Miss, is there something you would like to say?"

She nodded, "there were two teenage boys, who looked to be around 17, who walked passed us. We were walking towards the carpark and the boys were walking away from it. Now thinking about it, they were walking away from the crime site."

Bingo, I though to myself, my first real lead of possible suspects; "Can you describe them to me please."

"One was about 6 foot 2, brown hair and fair skin. The other was about 5 foot 11, blonde hair and tan skin."

"Anything else?"

She shock her head.

"Thank you for your time. Have a nice day." I hate saying that, as if they would have a nice day after seeing a dead body.

Walking back to Detective Kinley, I was positive that these two teens were suspects in this case. It certainly can be no coincidence that these boys just happned to be coming back from the National Park at 4:30 in the morning. I was also certain that I needed to find them immediately, the only problem was... how?

"We have to go and notify the family of their lose. Do you have an address?"

"No sir, but maybe we should visit the local high school and see if this young man was enrolled there. That way we can track down the family." Kinley replied.

"I'm going to have breakfast and then pay the Noosa High a visit afterwards. Come, you can ride with me, I need to get you up to speed on my ideas." Kinley followed me to my car and we left the crime scene, heading towards the only diner open this early, Joe's.

By that stage in the investigation, I was positive of who the victim was — Stephan Coper. I also had a small window time before the murderer fled the city. Time was not on my side, and I still had two possible suspects that had yet to be identified... but how?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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