Miami, Florida
March 15, 1962
(1:00 pm)
"The Caspartina is located on port 35," The owner of the marina informed the couple as they continued on with their search for the boat. "Port 35 is located on the far side of the marina, in its own private bay."
Now she just needed to know where the far side of the marina is located. She could get the man to escort them... But that could bring risk to being spotted if Schmidt were actually there. And if he was and she was spotted walking with the owner of the marina he would know she was looking for him. And he wouldn't run... No, he might attack.
"If you follow along with the dock that way," The owner pointed in the direction of the port as Layla instructed him to. "You will reach Port 35."
Layla smiled at the man in thanks before erasing his mind of the memory of her and the information that they gave her. With the information erased the man just simply looked at her as if she were a prospective property owner or a guest visiting one of the many yacht owners living at this marina.
She had him then become preoccupied with a ringing telephone that was not at all ringing. She would get out of the view of the marina owner before he could realize it was a trick. She both headed off in the direction of Port 35, ready to scout out the ship before returning back to the hotel room to inform Erik that the ship was indeed in this marina.
They had split up to tackle the problem of locating the ship, as apparently there were three ships in Miami that were registered with the name of Caspartina. This was her first marina to visit, and in her luck, this would be her only one.
Layla's and Erik's plan had been to split up to find the ship with Schmidt. When they were sure they had found the ship they would return to the hotel room and make the plan to attack from there. They would scout out the location separately to determine what was the best line of attack.
Tracking him down in Miami had been difficult, but quicker than expected given they knew the boat had to be in port in some marina here. The problems came when they had already looked into three of the five marinas in Miami that were exclusive to yacht owners. Schmidt hardly seemed to be the type to want to dwell amongst the common folks, especially when those common folk may be amongst the undesirables.
Now it was just a matter of scouting out and planning when to attack. This time, they would be sure that Schmidt was there, not charge in there and not find him... again. She wanted this journey to be over, torture him, kill him, and go home. Finally, close this chapter at last in their lives.
She just needed proof that this was the Caspartina that Schmidt owned.
Port 35 was a secluded area, after a short walk amongst the palm trees she discovered the port that held the Caspartina and another smaller ship. The Caspartina was a large ship similar to the one in the picture, but this would take more proof than just visual similarity before she could go back and plan.
No, she would need to get closer. Now, as she was, dressed as a tourist, with a kodak camera ready to take pictures of the "scenery", rather the ship and it's occupants. The new camera she had picked up at a tourist shop advertising the perfect gift for those back home. The camera itself was nearly $250, had she actually paid for it that was.
Walking up the deck was another matter, she was the only one around. A woman alone was a social matter she was not familiar with in the US, for all she knew it was the most taboo thing she could possibly do aside from murder.
Her goal was to be seen as just another tourist, and though she could erase the memory of all those that suspected her, she needed to be one-hundred percent focused on finding Schmidt, not wiping the minds of those that stared too long.
FanficErik Lehnsherr, Magneto, finds another mutant was in Schmidt's hold in Auschwitz, Layla, a fellow mutant with mind control abilities. Years after Erik's escape, Layla works in Frankfurt trying to establish a new life, when the two meet again they ag...