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What makes a hero? Is it the costume, the powers, the personality, their methods of fighting crime? No, a hero is someone who goes out of their way to protect and save innocent lives. That being said there are plenty of heroes out there, but there are the ones who really make a difference.

Take the Flash for example. The fastest man alive, well ok there are two other speedsters like him, but he's the most recognized. He's stopped more robberies then any cop out there.

Then there's Black Canary. She's quite interesting, super strength, and she's got a voice that can shatter concrete.

Mr. Terrific. From what I know, his only power is that he can't be detected by technology. Well, that and he's the third smartest man on earth. His T Spheres are pretty awesome, they can create forcefields, and explode.

Not all heroes have super powers. Take Wildcat for example, he's beaten up super villains without breaking a sweat, I think the most famous would have to be Ernie Chubb! He's a massive wall of muscle that can crush people just by sitting on them!

And then there's Blue Beetle. He may rely on what may possibly be alien technology (I'm not one to talk), but he gets the job done well.

Me? Well, you'll find out soon. I'm Courtney by the way. About three months ago my dad disappeared (and was presumed dead) on an expedition in the amazon, ever since I've been living with a friend of his (and the school counselor), Dinah Laurel Lance. DO NOT, call her Dinah. She prefers to go by her middle name.

And it all started when I decided to snoop in my Dad's office.

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