Chaper 1

169 7 2

Emily's POV
Alison has been home for about 1 week and it's so great having her back. Today is Saturday and we all have plans to head over to Spencer's to sleepover. I want to get the chance to talk to Alison, before she left I told her I loved her which I still do. I want to know if she feels the same way.
When Ali left I dated 2 other people Maya and Paige, but I couldn't love them the way that I loved Alison. I wanted her to come back and she finally has I'm gonna tell her tonight I can't loose her again.

"Hey Hannah come pick me up I'm ready to party!"
" Okay be there in 15 minutes!:)"

I get ready I'm wear a super cute maroon crop top and black jeans with my black nike roshe. My mom yells at me "Emily! Hannah is here." I ran down stairs with my bag and give my mom a hug goodbye and head out the front to into Hannah's car.
"Hey Em looking hot!" She says

"Oh this is nothing. But I have to ask u for your advice." I say kinda nervous

"Of course everything okay?" She asked me

"Yeah I guess I just want to tell Alison how I feel about her but I'm really scared what if she don't feel the same?" I ask Hanna she thinks about what I said for a moment.

"Don't just tell her tell her in a special way like romantic." She says

"Your right before we head to Spencer's can we stop by the brew, the store and the florist so I can get everything I need. Can I use your car to do it so I don't have to sneak the stuff inside?" I ask her hoping she will say yes.

"Yes we have to hurry though." She says

We pull up to the store first I run in leaving Hannah the car and buy a big pink piece of poster paper and a black marker, also two white candles and a small pack of matches. I head to the check out and run back out to the car. Next we pull up to the florist and I ask for one dozen red roses and one dozen white roses I also buy red flower petals. Lastly we pull up to the brew I run in and get her a white chocolate mocha and run back to the car.

"Let's go to Spencer's" I say she smiles and drives off.

While we are in the car I grab the poster paper and right on it "Allison Dilaurentis I love u with all my heart please don't leave me again!" Just as I finished we pull up to Spencer's house.

"Hannah when u go in tell them I'm on the phone with my mom so I can set up." I say

"Okie dokie Em I hope this works out." She says giving me a hug and walks inside.

I grab the two candles and light them and place them on the trunk. And then place the poster paper in between them. Next place the white roses on one side by the candle and the red roses on the other side. Finally place a trail of rose petals to the door. And I walk in carrying her coffee.

The girls greet me with a hug. When Ali give me a hug a whisper into her ear "Lets step outside, I have something for u." She smiles and I cover her eyes and we walk out of the door.

We step outside and I uncover her eyes and hand her the coffee then she looks down and gasps.

"Emily Fields did u do this all for me" she looks and me smiling.

"Yes I did follow them and see where the lead" I say

Alison POV
When I walk outside and see the rose petals all I could think about is all the times we kissed before I had left. She's so thoughtful and loving. We both follow the pedals and they end and Hannah's car and I read the poster "Alison Dilaurentis I love u with all my heart pleas don't leave me again!" And there is two dozen roses white and red.

"Oh Emily you did this all for me?" I ask her

"Yes. Alison I truly do love u I always have when we kissed for the first time that made me really fall hard for u... but when u said it was just for practice it destroyed me. When u left it destroyed me now your bad this is my second chance to really truly tell u how I feel about you." She says while a couple of tears can out

"Emily those kisses were never for practice I just didn't know if I wanted the whole world to know I was bisexual so I just said that. I'm sorry for that Em and I'm sorry for leaving u it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I promise never ever to leave you again I can't because I love u to and all ways have but I didn't think people would accept me for who I was so I kept it to myself." I say now we're both crying.

I give her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I hand her the white roses and I grab the red ones and I grab her hand with my other and start walking towards the door.

"Ali what are u doing?" She says laughing and blushing at the same time.

"I'm going to walk in and show the girls what u did for me." I say as I open the door.

EMISON~ Your the only person I ever want!Where stories live. Discover now