Chapter 3

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Emily's POV
I wake up with Ali in my arms which is the most amazing feeling. Of course I was the first one up out of the five of us and I didn't want to be the only one wake so I wake Ali.

"Hey beautiful wake up" I say kissing her cheek but she isn't waking up so I kiss down her neck because I know that tickles her.

"Em stop I'm up." She says super groggy

"Ali I'm going to head home get a shower and get ready for the day and if your up for it we can meet up at your house after I'm done." I say getting up

"Sounds like a great idea but don't forget it's my first day back to school tomorrow can't stay up to late." She say winking at me and I give her a kiss on the lips before I get up and grab my bag.

Alison's POV
This is perfect gives me a chance to figure out how I'm going to ask Emily to be my girlfriend. After she left I grab my stuff and do the same thing.

I walk home which is right next door and brush my hair and teeth and head to the mall. After getting to the mall I head straight for Victoria Secret to get some lingerie so I can surprise Em I decided to get hot pink because Emily says that I look hot in pink. My phone goes off and it's Em.

"Hey all done getting ready what are you up to?"

"I'm just at the mall now but I can pick you up in 10 minutes heading that way now."

"Sounds great:)"

I'm on my way to Emily's to pick her up. I am wearing my lingerie under my long sun dress with my 2 inch wedges on. I am outside of Emily's house just touching up my makeup. After about five minutes I get out of my car and walk to the door and knock. Pam Emily's mother opens the door.

"Hey Alison are you here for Emily?" She ask me

"Actually I am" I say

"She's up in her room go ahead and head up there" she says letting me inside

I walk in heading up to Emily's room almost up the steps when I go to take the next step but the next thing I know I'm on the ground with my foot looks dislocated.

"Emily!!!!" I scream

Emily's POV
I hear a loud BANG and then my name being screamed. "Emily!!!!" I hear. I get up off my bed and run to the stairs.

"Oh my god Ali!" I say running down the stairs. "Mom!!" I yell

"Oh my, Alison what happened?" My mother ask her

"I honestly don't know I was walking up the stairs and the next thing I knew I was on the ground like this." Ali says

"Come on let me help you up so we can get to the car and get you to the hospital so we can fix your foot." I say to her picking her up bridle style.

"Em you don't have to carry me I think that I can walk." She says

"No way am I putting you down so you can walk on your foot. It looks broken Ali." I say placing her into the front seat of my car.

"Ughhhh this is not how I wanted to spend the night!" She say angry

"What are you talking about? How did u want to spend it?" I ask starting the car

When I look over at Alison she is taking her dress off.

"Alison what are you doing?" I say laughing

"I want to show you something" she says smiling her beautiful face at me

"Okay?" I say confused as I pull out of the drive way speeding like hell trying to get to the hospital. It has been like 10 minutes and all I could think about is her broken foot... I look over at her and my jaw drops. "Wow what were you planning on doing?" I say winking

"I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend." She says winking

"Wow seriously?" I say smiling a holding her hand

"Yes Em I love you more then I can express. Can we please get to the hospital my foot is starting to hurt like hell!" She says squeezing my hand harder and starts to cry.

"We will be there in 2 minutes Ali." I say driving as fast as I can

We finally get to the hospital and I'm carrying Ali throw the doors. After about 2 minutes of waiting they call Alison's name. "Alison Dilaurentis" a woman said as she hands me a wheelchair. Ali get in and we go into her room.

"Please get changed into the gown, I will be back in 5 minutes to take your to surgery." She says. Alison gets dressed and says "Emily I'm so scared I don't want to have surgery!" She says crying. "Your will be fine I will be here when you wake up I promise. The doctor comes back and get Alison. I walk back to the waiting room and I hear my phone ring it was Spencer.

"Hey Spencer what's up?"

"Me and Toby broke up Emily"

"Omg what happened Spencer are you okay"

"Yea I'm fine but I broke up with him I don't feel for him like I feel for someone else."

"Huh? Who is this other person?"

"Umm it's Aria we kissed the other night and I thought it was just a joke Em but I really really like her Emily what do I do?"

"Spencer just tell her how you feel. But I gotta go because Ali is about to come out of surgery."

"Huh she's in surgery? Why? Is she ok?"

"Yea she broke her foot about an hour ago, she in surgery now I will text all you when we get her out of here. Spencer tell Aria that's all you can do and hope she feels the same."

"Ok thanks Emily good bye"

---------------AUTHOR NOTE-------------------
So what do you guys think? Spencer and Aria!!;) Tell me what you think i should do next? Sorry it took me so long to update!

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