Four [Broken]

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Bright, square lights line the top of the walls, close to the ceiling. He's being rolled through a hallway and it's silent, but Jimin's face keeps appearing and disappearing in his vision as the man struggles to keep up with the fast paced doctors and nurses at his bedside. They reach a small room as quiet as the hallway and Jungkook can hear the locks clicking as they carry the stretcher onto a stationary bed and secure it. The pain is intense, more than before now as his adrenaline levels are dropping. He's afraid to look down at the open wound on his leg, but even more afraid to ask any questions about it.

Jungkook lets tears stream from the sides of his eyes onto the pillow under his head. It can't be broken. His leg cannot be broken. That means game over. Everything he's dreamed about for almost his entire life will become meaningless in the blink of an eye. He won't be able to dance and they might not give him a second chance to return after his leg heals, if it's able to after all of the pain he's feeling. What if he can never walk again? He won't have anything else to live for.

The nurses are muttering to themselves and he makes a point not to listen to what they're saying. He doesn't want to know, not just yet. The pretty face of a woman, a nurse in blue scrubs, comes before him. Her smile is kind and comforting and she speaks to him. "I'm going to give you something to help with the pain. It might make you sleepy. If it does, let yourself fall asleep. That's okay."

Jungkook nods, absorbing her words even through his blurry mind. He's already tired, sleeping doesn't feel like a bad option. A small pinch, a needle, pokes into his arm when the nurse locates a vein. She's starts him on a cocktail of liquid drugs and soon his eyes grow so heavy he can't keep them open. They close and his hearing increases somehow with his lose of complete vision. Jimin is nearby, he can hear the mans mournful voice chatting with somebody, putting his name in his mouth again. Jungkook can't make out what he's saying, but it irritates him just the same. What a fool, Jimin is. Even without a proper diagnoses of his legs condition, he regrets helping the careless man that didn't know how to save himself.

His consciousness begins to fade and soon, he's dreaming. Nightmares take his slumber in their dark grip and when he wakes up again, his leg feels heavy. Jungkook takes the risk of looking down at his injury to take in the full effect of what his remarkable bravery, the term that's been thrown around since he arrived at the hospital, has cost him. At first all he sees is white and then he manages to connect the dots. A thick, hardened cast is covering his leg. Jungkook matches its bleached white color in his face. It's broken.

A nurse, different from the younger woman before, comes in with a disheartened smile. She clears her throat, but still seems at a loss for words. Jungkook watches her closely until she speaks, a clipboard in her hands. "It's broken, honey." She states in a regretful tone, avoiding eye contact. It must get tiring to be the barer of bad news. "In two places. The good news, if you could call it that, is that they were both clean breaks." The woman chuckles awkwardly, trying to ease a bit of the tension evident in Jungkook's face. "It will heal faster and completely. It doesn't look like you'll need therapy for it, at this point, but the doctor ordered for you to return in two weeks to check on your legs condition."

She pauses for a moment to let Jungkook's disordered mind absorb the information she just threw at him. It's a fast paced hospital, emergency patients rotating in and out all day long. They don't have a tendency to waste any time with any one patient. "I'm stating the obvious here I hope, don't put any weight on your leg for any reason at all. Do you live on your own?"

Jungkook nods at her question.

"Ask somebody to stay with you. You'll need help with more than you think you will."

A body appears from behind the woman, a man dressed in a puffy winter coat with gloves still adorning his small hands. Jimin's expression is still apologetic, hinting at the pity he's feeling for Jungkook's condition. He feels completely at fault and his gut is twisted in knots inside of him, feeling more remorse now than he's ever felt before in his life. It's all his fault. "I can stay with you."

Jungkook scoffs at the offer and he turns his head up to look at Jimin. "No, not you." His eyes squint into a hateful glare. "You caused this, why would I trust you to help me with anything?" His tone is bitter and mean, but he wants it to be. Jimin's face is one he doesn't want to see anymore and he'll be thankful to never see it again.

The shorter mans eyes become watery as the hateful words prick tears to form behind them. It's his worst nightmare coming to life, to be at fault for the pain another has to endure. How could he have been so careless before, so numb to the danger right in front of him? His mind had been absent at that moment, the moment his eyes fell on Jungkook's sculpted features he couldn't see anything else. He never thought he would see the man again and it overwhelmed him.

The nurse taps her foot against the floor. Her expression is sour, realizing Jungkook's true colors. His actions may have been brave before, but his words are cruel now. She doesn't become involved, instead inquiring further about what his living arrangements intend to be. "Is there somebody else you can live with, than? Can you call them to come pick you up now?"

Jungkook turns his attention back to the nurse and he shakes his head. "My family aren't from here."

"Any friends?"

He shakes his head again.

"I suggest you figure something out. Attempting to live on your own with a broken leg isn't something I would ever risk. The chance of damaging it further is high if you don't have somebody close by at all times to help you with anything that requires lifting, getting into bed, bathing, and anything that may cause you to unintentionally put weight onto your leg. I can't force you to accept my advice, regardless of my warnings. Take them as you will." She lifts up the clipboard in front her, reading off a few prescriptions she will bring to his room, along with a wheelchair he will use to move around. The nurse leaves, mumbling something under her breath that neither Jimin or Jungkook catch a word of.

Jungkook sighs heavily and lets his head fall back into his pillow. He knows she's right and that he can't risk making his legs condition any worse than it already is. If it has a chance of healing completely, maybe he can still have a chance of making his dream come true. Why does Jimin have to be his only option? Would it even be better for his health to have such a clueless man around him?

Jimin shuffles forward a bit closer to Jungkook's bed, his eyes glued to the floor. He doesn't dare to look up at the other man. He feels awful, it's as if hands are inside of his stomach, wringing the life out of his organs and ripping him apart. He heaves, trying to stay quiet through the bout of tears falling from his chin. Jimin uses his gloves to quickly wipe the evidence of them away before Jungkook can comment about them. "I'm sorry." He mutters, but his voice is small and cracking with emotion. "I really think I can help you. Please just let me."

The younger man rolls his eyes. It's annoying. He can tell that Jimin is crying, that the man is torn up about what happened and that he feels bad about it. It doesn't make his leg any less broken though, and crying never does any good. Jungkook can't bring himself to feel bad for his choice of words. "I don't want your help, at all. The sight of you makes me angry now." Jimin deserves it for not paying attention. It's Jimin's fault that his leg is broken and he won't ever forget that. "But I think I need your help."

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