Three [Ice]

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A short dinner consumes the entirety of Jungkook's visit. He seems to be in a hurry to get back home after their meal and he lets Jimin show him out. Jimin's apartment is nice and well kept, residing in the newer part of town. He must come from wealthy family that can afford to keep their son in good private housing while he takes classes at the nearby university. Jungkook had studied the others home, catching sight of the disheveled book bag thrown to the ground beside the door.

He makes his way down the elevator and exits from the main lobby entrance doors. His car is cold inside after he manages to pull open the frozen shut door to climb in. Jungkook rushes to turn on the heat and pulls out of the parking lot. It's not a far drive to get back to his home and by the time the heat finally begins to circulate around the small car, he'll have made it.

Jimin is indeed a strange kind of person, but he's friendly. It was nice to have positive company after spending most of his time alone in his apartment or learning dance steps from an uptight teacher in a small studio full of other students. Jungkook knows he can't linger for too long around any one person, scared to let himself get distracted from his aspirations. He has a lot on his mind and even more on his plate. He has to remain focused. Friends aren't something he can take a risk for.

Jungkook reaches his complex and trudges into the warmth of the building, thankful to be out of the cold. It should be warming up already, but the cold season is lingering. His apartment is as empty as it was when he left it. It's disheartening, but he takes a deep breath to free his mind from wandering down a dark road. His belly is full enough and he's tired. He'll call his aunt tomorrow before he goes to work. He hasn't even told her yet that tomorrow is his first day at a small chain restaurant that specializes in fresh made pizzas. It's not ideal, but it will help pay the bills.

He lays down his sleep ridden limbs on his makeshift bed, a bundle of blankets pressed towards the far side of his bedroom. He hasn't been able to find a decently priced mattress and frame since he arrived in Seoul. A few blankets are comfortable enough. Jungkook lets his heavy eyelids close and he falls asleep, forgetting to remove his winter clothing through the fog clouding his mind. It doesn't matter though, the heat never works properly anyway.


Days pass slowly and Jimin finds himself becoming more and more agitated. His frustrations are growing rapidly, anxiety constantly knocking at the door to his mind. He can't stop thinking about Jungkook, the mans face perfectly engraved into his memory. Why does the thought of him hurt? He doesn't have high hopes of seeing him again. They are just strangers after all. It was just a meal they shared together, alone at his kitchen table. No contact information was exchanged and not even a bit of small talk existed as they chewed their food in silence. He feels helpless, hopeless and lonely.

It's not really worth the thought, the amount of time he spends consumed with an incredibly short encounter with an unforgettable man. He can't seem to shake the memory of him, but maybe time will soothe his yearning heart. It's only been three days after all and this is the precise situation he always planned on avoiding. Jimin knows he shouldn't let himself become involved with somebody, but he's not. Regardless of his own feelings, Jungkook hadn't seemed interested. The feelings were not mutual, he could see it in the others controlled expressions and his reluctance to stay longer. It's for the best, Jimin reminds himself constantly. He is crossing his own set boundaries.

Focusing on his studies is becoming a task, something that had been a breeze before. His mind is too heavy and he might just need to get some cool air to bring down his heart rate. Brisk winds should clear his head. Jimin steps outside of the campus library. It's a few hours before night fall, but the sky is dim. Gray clouds hover above him. It's going to snow. Wonderful. Jimin sighs. He will stay an hour longer before heading back home, even though the weather might ruin his walk within that time. He has a big test coming up that he can't fail. He already has so much lack of concentration to make up for, he can't skimp on study time because of a small flurry.

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