Eleven [Hungry]

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If a look could consume him, he'd be dead. Probably chewed up and spit out immediately with how much Jungkook hates his guts, but Jimin's tongue glosses his lips as he stares right back. The eyes that glare at him every single day are now so fucking hungry it makes his insides quiver, knees shaking as Jungkook's hand remains clasped, hard, around his wrist. So much for wanting him to leave, but Jimin's well aware of what's happening. He's letting it happen, because he doesn't know how to contain the hunger inside of his own eyes, the hunger that drives the first whimper from his parted lips while the youngers hands are barely on him yet.


"You're so fucking bad at listening, aren't you?" Jungkook seethes in his chair, an angry snap in his voice to mask the already evident appetite in his eyes. He'd feel disgusting if the others body language wasn't screaming so provocatively at him. His fingers curl tighter around the slender wrist they hold until another soft whimper reaches his ears. Jungkook lets go. He doesn't want to hurt Jimin, but his lust filled thoughts are blurring the lines of what's right and wrong. He can't let go completely, so Jungkook's wild fingers snake into the edge of Jimin's towel, pulling the boy closer to himself with a smirk drawing up the corner of his lips. "Do I play the part of a useless scumbag so well, you don't think I can do anything to you?" An eyebrow cocks up, expression one of sarcastic amusement.

If Jungkook's intention was to reclaim the upper hand in whatever sexual showdown they've both fallen victim to, with pleasure Jimin submits. His heart pounds, feeling as if with every beat it knocks the wind from his lungs. He should tell Jungkook to stop, because this is wrong. It's damn near criminal, to let themselves succumb to something as pointless and trivial as desire. But he can't. Stronger than the guilt that courses through his veins, the growing heat between them and the dwindling space between their bodies silences any and all protest that might ever utter across his saliva slicked lips. Jungkook's fingers tucked into the edges of his towel, holding onto him with determination is enough to set him on fire. Jimin closes his eyes, overwhelmed. "Y-you c-can." He can't even hear himself speaking past the heat of Jungkook's touch. How far gone has he strayed from physical contact to need it so desperately from a man that would gladly forget his existence?

Jungkook will never be able to forget the way Jimin's head tilts back slightly, thick lips parted as his uneven breaths whisper past them. The skin against his fingers trembles and Jungkook's loose shorts aren't feeling as loose anymore. He's not sure why Jimin would ever care to be submissive, to allow him the kind of opportunity to give him what he wants. Confused, but far past the point of caring, he growls his response. "What can I fucking do? Huh?" His hold on the boy is impatient already. Eyes glazed over, greedy hands wanting more smooth skin to feel, Jungkook yanks on Jimin's towel to guide him to the front of his body. He pulls Jimin between his legs, reveling in the sharp and snappy sounds of the olders tiny gasps. "Tell me what I can do."

Eye contact is scary, but so many answers hide within choppy glances. Jimin hovers over the man who's hands have moved to cling onto his waist. He's still in the position that should give him the control, but his willpower to use it is transparent. He sinks into the warmth that seeps into his skin, as if Jungkook's touch is the summer sun and his body is as cold as winters snow. He melts so simply in Jungkook's hands. "Anything." Before his brain can catch up, the answer expels from within him. Before his body can react, he's in Jungkook's lap. Jimin's control is vanquished. Jungkook's hand is heavy on his waist, the other on his chin, holding his face up to force the eye contact he doesn't want, because he knows exactly what his eyes are going to say. I'll be your toy, if that's what you want. Do anything, please.

So submissive, it's almost unfair. Jimin should hate him, be repulsed by the idea of him, but instead he continues to give him what he wants, taking the beating for it and taking the blame for what happens next. Jungkook hates himself enough for the both of them, but he kisses Jimin anyway.

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