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Robyn's POV

he has to leave tonight...
we made sure that we spent a lot I mean a lot of time togethe bc we don't know when will we see each other again...Im so freaking broken...
Why do something always has to tear us apart...it's just feels like we are not meant to be but thats stupid he loves me I love him nothings wrong with us...at least I think

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Aubrey kissing my neck, we were still laying in bed it was 10am.

"Hey baby" I said as I kissed the top of his head

"Hey babygirl" He said as he sat up and kissed me the kiss turned into a full blown make out session

He started to take off my bra(I was sleeping only in my underwear) and then my panties

"Goodbye sex, huh?" I asked him with a smirk on my face

"You guessed it right babygirl" He said as he burried his face into my pussy

He eat me out the best he ever did.

Then he put his tip into me and then started to enter me inch by inch, he was slowy but fast at the same time, It felt so good.

"Oh my gossssshhh, PAPIIIII" I moaned

We were going at it for at least an hour and I cummed like 6 times.


it was 7pm, his plane leaves in an hour, we were going to the airport now.  Ughh, I can't belive he has to leave....

We arrived there real quick
I don't wanna make this situation worst but I could cry a river right now.

We were sitting at the waiting place and we were all wrapped up in each other. I didn't wanted to cry but I couldn't control it. When he heard my sobbing he grabbed my chin to look up at him and slowly kissed me.

"Roybn, baby, im gonna come back and I'll make time for you always, we won't lose each other" He said conforting me

"I know but I'm gonna miss you so much" I said cuddeling into him more.

We heard his airplans name getting called
It was time for him to go and some of his friends too, like Chubbs and CJ, of course paparazis were takinh pictures of us every second but that was whatever, I just wanted to enjoy my last moments with him.

Some minutes later he was already on the plane they were waiting for it to fly...I started to head home after a 20 mintues long drive I arrived home....

Aubrey's POV

** on the airplane **

"We have some problem with the machine, it'll take some time for us to start flying" I heard a womans voice.

What the fuck I'm even doing here, I love Robyn more than anything on this planet. What the fuck was I thinking I can't leave the love of my life bc of some shit with my job. Fuck this imma find an other job but I won't find a woman like her ever again...

"Fuck this shit I'm out" I said as I stood up and grabbed my things and headed out of this wholw shitty place

I heard chubbs and CJ behind me

"Man what the fuck u doing, you fucking up your biggest chance of becomeing a world wide known artist" Chubbs said

"No, you listen, I'd be fucking up If I'd leave Robyn here in LA by herself, I'll find a thousend of more jobs, but I won't ever find a woman like her again, I won't risk my chance of keeping her bc of this dumbass job" I shouted back at them and I got out of that place real quick.

Robyn's POV

** at home **

After I arrived home I just laid on the couch and started to cry my eyes out, I don't know  what I'll do now that he's not here. I already miss him and it just at least an hour since we last saw each other....I was deep in my thoughts when I heard a loud knock on the door....


§ I finally updated, it's not much ik but at least still something. I promise my next updates will be longer. Idk if anyone was waiting on my update or not (probably not) but whatever it's here.Sorry for any mistakes in it!!!

Luv y'all💕💕

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