I'm Only Human

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Robyn's POV

**5weeks later**

"I know you still want me" an all too familiar voice told me

"NOOOO" I screamed


"Robyn, baby weak up"

I slowly opened my eyes to see Aubrey holding me

"ahhh...aubrey I had the worst nightmare ever, i'm so glad you're here" I said cuddeling into him more

"What was your dream about baby?"

"Chris came back"

"What baby, you know that won't happen"

"No...he can come back whenever he want we have nothing to keep him away" "plus it's not the first time that i have a dream like this...it just never got this wrong"

"Baby as long as i'm here nothing bad gonna happen to you"


our day went by queit fast we were just doing what couples do when they are together and now it's already dinner time

"So what u wanna eat baby?" he asked me as I was sitting on the couch

"It doesn't matter just be quick"

"I'll be home as soon as I can"

"I love you"

"I love you more"

10 minutes later I heard the fron door open

"Aubrey? you already back?"

no answer

"who is this???"

"well babygirl can you guess?" that too familiar voice spoke once again

"Chris leave this house right now!!!!"
"I'm gonna call the police if you don't leave"

"YOU NOT GONNA CALL ANYBODY" he said as he pushed me up the wall

"Why are you doing this??" Tears left my eyes I couldn't to anything else just cry

"Cuz you are mine and always will be"

"I'm not some piece of shit that you can just say that "mine"

"ooohh...yes you are, you are a usless piece of shit...you really think Aubrey loves you? He's just playing with you just like the rest of them"

With every minute more tears were falling down my cheecks. I tried to grab something from next to me so I can hit him with it but I failed and he grabbed both of my hands and put them behind me. I felt him put his hand inside of my underwear and he started touching me

"Why are you not wer for me, huh?" he said as he entered his fingers inside of me"

"Pl- ples-please stop" I couldn't control my tears, my words were useless, he just started laughing.

he got his hand out of my underwear and started to reach for something behind him

I prayed to God that it won't be a gun and he maybe listened cuz it was a knife....
He pushed me to the floor and tied me together and then started to do cuts in my arm..it hurted as hell bit I knew if I say something or cry more he'll never leave...as he finished he grabbed my hair and whispered in my ear "no one will ever love you" and he dropped my head down to the floor....that was the moment when everything went blank

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