Chapter 38

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~ Ariana Pov ~

(September 8)

Yesterday I told Jennifer I was both Ariana's.

She totally expected it and was totally cool with it promising she wouldn't tell anyone. I asked if I could trust her and she agreed.

"So....can I call you Hannah Montana?"She asked as I laughed.

"No"I said as Mack entered the room.

"Hey"We both said.

"Hey"She said putting her purse on the floor.

"Not that I don't love seeing you,but why are you here?"I asked.

"Liam and I fought"She said as tears started to form in her eyes.

Oh no. These two bearly fight and when they do it's kinda bad.

"I think I should go"Jennifer said standing up as I nodded.

"What happened?"I asked as she got on my bed and placing her head in my lap.

Okay then.

"Ryan keeps texting me and I don't know why"She said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Liam knows Ryan has had a crush on you ever since the fifth grade and he don't wants to lose you"I said stroking her hair.

"I don't want to lose him either"

I think my heart just exploded with such cuteness.I'm such a fan girl.

"Did you tell him that?"I asked.

"Yeah and he just yelled"She said placing her hand on her forehead.

"Go back say that your sorry"I said as she nodded.

"Thanks,babe"She said smiling and sitting up.

"No prob"I said as she hugged me.

That's was really easy.

"'s song workshop going?"She asked wiping her tears away.

"Um...I have some ideas,but I don't know if there going to do"I said as she nodded.

"You'll think of something,Ari"She said grabbing her makeup purse.

She's very prepared at times.

"Yeah.....I want the four songs to have a Christmas vibe"I said looking into the distance to create a dramatic vibe.

"Sing the song everybody sings"She said not really remembering the first person who singed it.

"Last Chirstmas?"I asked as she nodded.

"Yeah.....I think you'll do great"She said. sweet. And everything about this girl is so weird.

"Where's Scar......haven't seen her in a while?"I asked tying my hair in a ponytail.

"She's checked out at the doctors"She said looking at the text Scar send her.

Ever since Scarlett got out of the hospital she's been to these monthly checks to see if her system is okay so she can keep cheering.

"Poor scarred person"I said as she smiled.

"Harry is totally rubbing off on you"She said grabbing the remote control

I like how we changed the subject from Liam to Songs to Scarlett to Harry rubbing off on me.


"So.....has he asked you out yet?"Mack asked full of hope.

"Nope and I thought he was doing it yesterday"I said.

When two worlds collide (Harry Styles/ Ariana Grande fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now