Chapter 45

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~ Harry Pov ~
(September 17)

"Thanks for having me,Mum"I said giving her a hug.

"I hope you find out what really happen"She said as I nodded.

I hope I'm crazy and Brady was a dick instead of Ariana so she can be the innocent one.

"I really hope it wasn't what I thought at least but, I just won't go and talk to her"I said.

"Why not?"She asked.

"I won't be able to control my anger with her"I said as she nodded understanding.

"Be a good boy"She said as Gemma came running towards me.

"I love you little brother"She said as I picked her up.

"Love you too,Germs"I said.

"Don't call me that"She said said as I placed her on the ground.

"I call you what I want to,Germs"I said smiling at her.

"I'm taking this as heart break talk"She said fixing her shirt.

I smiled at her walking towards Mum.


When you get here go to the pharmacy and grabbed Liam's cream for injuries

"What?"I asked as Mum handed me my bag.

"Don't text and drive"Gemma said as I rolled my eyes.

"Calling Zayn before I head off"I said walking towards my car.

"We love you"Mum said as Gemma closed the door.

I feel the love.

I placed my bag in the trunk and walked towards the driver seat.

"Hello"Zayn said answering.

"Why did Liam beat up Ryan again?"I asked knowing this was the reason Liam needed that cream.

"We have our reasons"He said.

"Whatever......I'm picking them up but, I expect answers mister"I said starting the car.

"Sure,Dad and I'll see you tomorrow"He said.

"Train leaves at 10pm"I said.

"What hour you arrive to London?"He asked.

"12am and we go to the studio at 9am so I have time to sleep"I said.

"Ok and I got to go"he said.

"Um...sure bye"I said hanging up.

What are these idiots up to?

~ Liam Pov ~

"What did she tell you?"Scarlett asked as I threw my phone on my bed.

"She told me to stop talking to Ariana"I said as a depressed tone.

I should be an actor?

I acted pretty good on ICarly while Harry....dear Harry did poorly.

"Dude,she isn't really nice on that subject these days"Scarlett said as Niall came in with soda.

"I don't get things these days anymore"Niall said giving Scar her soda.

"Don't worry you don't understand a lot of things"I said lost in thought.

"I'm taking that as hurt of having to choose between your girlfriend and best friend that's a girl"Niall said.

"I want to choose Ariana but,I love Mack"I said as the girls awed.

"Fan girls"Perrie said coming in with Zayn and Eleanor.

"Is Harry bringing me that cream"I asked as Zayn nodded.

"Why did you beat up Ryan.....again by the way I don't mind?"Summer asked.

"Zayn,I'm glad your here"I said looking at him.

"Who do you think Ryan's after?"Zayn asked.

"Um......Ariana"Niall said

"He's taken the twelfth grade three times"I said as they all nodded.

"That can't be true.....he literally is giving Harry his car"Scarlett said.

"Think again"Zayn said.

"How many times you've been to the hospital thanks to Ryan?"Perrie asked Scarlett,Niall and Summer.

"Two"Scarlett said.

"One"Niall said.

"Two"Summer said.

"You guys are Harry's closet friends"I said.

"Ariana has gone to the hospital"Summer said.

"Yeah but,you guys almost got killed"Perrie said.

"I've went once to the hospital"Eleanor said as Perrie nodded.

"I've been at the Little Mix house more then usual since this started"Perrie said.

"What are we going to do?"Summer asked.

"Nothing yet"Zayn said.

"I so hate Ryan right now"I said looking my phone.

"She's on the line and don't say I was with you talking about Ariana"Scarlett said.

"I'm not going to call her"I said.

"I just want to choose both"I said as Drew and Scott came inside too.

"I feel like killing Brady"Drew said walking towards Summer.


"See the trio is over"Summer told Scarlett.

That sounded dirty.

"I just want to say that Summer is the better Fisher like Gemma is the better Styles"Scott said.

Why is everybody saying that?!?!

"Why is Brady bothering you two?"Eleanor asked.

"He planned this whole thing with Ryan"Drew said.


*~ Authors Note ~*

I'm so sorry I didn't update Friday or Saturday......I'm grounded.

I still am but I'm a rebel....jijiji

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So what's going to happen next?

I have no idea.

Literally I'm blank......need ideas inbox me if you have any!

Harry's jokes aren't funny but,I laugh just to make him happy
~ Niall Horan

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