Chapter 37

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~ Harry Pov ~

(September 6)

I walked up the stairs after receiving her text. She just told me that she was bored and wanted to see me.

My positive side was very happy,but my negative one thought on the fact that she probably called everyone else she knew before actually deciding on calling me.

So listening to my good side,I sighed before knocking on her door.

She shouted come in and I gladly listened walking in.

"So you wanted to see me?"I asked kicking my shoes off and sitting next to her on the bed.

She chuckles and said,"Yeah everyone else had something better to do,but then I remembered you never have any stuff to do so I called you".

And my negative side wins.

"What kind of soup do you like?"Ariana asked out of the blue looking at me fixing her pearl earrings.


"That's weird"I said chuckling.

"Seriously"She said pinching her lip together.

"Chicken Noodle...."

"Chicken Noodle soup,Chicken Noodle soup,Chicken Noodle soup with a soda on the side"She sang.

"How did you know?"I asked smiling.

"I'm a magician"She said laughing.

She's adorable.

"Can I be one?"I asked raising my eyebrows at her.

"Nope"She said as Frankie came into the room.


"Hey Frankie"I said waving awkwardly.

He just nodded and continue to walk.

"Hey Harry and Casso"He said messing with her hair.

"Only Louis calls me that....sorry Frankie"She said placing her arms on her lap.

"You guys have lots of nicknames"Frankie said looking at us.

"We love each other"Ariana said nodding.

"To much,they tried taking all of our class together away too"I said.

"Did you heard the school is remodeling some things since Ryan Pricket broke them"Frankie said.

Ryan Pricket and the world don't really go together I suppose.

"Yeah there giving the 18th to the 22nd free"Ariana said.

I'm going to forget that if I keep spending time with her.

I forgot what she gave me ten seconds ago.

Yeah I seriously need help.

"What are you going to do?"Frankie asked looking at Ariana.

"I'm not sure maybe stay here or something"Ariana said shrugging.

"Harry"Frankie said looking at me now.

"Mum wanted me to visit her,but I'm not sure what to do anymore"I said looking at Ariana.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Hey,Ari"Frankie said as Ariana grabbed my phone.

"Yeah"She said hitting camera and turning the lens direction towards her so she could see her hair.

"Why did Bieber kidnap you?"Frankie asked.

Oh yeah......he brought her towards my flat after school.

When two worlds collide (Harry Styles/ Ariana Grande fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now