A Confession

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"I like you. I've liked you since I first saw you."

She took the words out of my throat. Another girl, another chance. How can they still do it? They try and try yet the answer's always the same.

A generic, "I'm sorry, I can't commit to a relationship right now. My studies leave little room for it."

I wonder if he ever gets tired of the same lines. Lines worn with years of use. Lines that are true yet aren't. After all, if you truly wanted to, you could make time. If you truly wanted something, you'd find a way to get it. Human tenacity or greed. Whichever it is, he has it in spades, so I can't believe his excuse. I suppose he just doesn't have reason enough to be overly truthful to virtual strangers.

I wonder, is it his attempt at being fair?  Does he think that if he gives the same response each time, the girls wouldn't feel special by a change in wording? Or is he hoping that they'll get tired of it the same way I am? Become so tired of hearing the rumors that they'll just stop coming to him?

Oh, but this girl is determined. "Two weeks. Date me for two weeks then decide if you'll really reject me."

The nerve. Desperate for attention. I'll show you rejection.

I walk into the room. "Um, sorry to interrupt, but I feel obligated to tell you that we'll be busy for the next week or two for our project. I really can't afford to be without my partner for that period."

'Your crush's best friend barging into your confession unknowingly' has gotta be embarrassing for anyone. My excuse, at least, isn't untrue. Our professor for this project is strict about everything, cooperation especially. He needs to work on this project as well. His role in it, of course, is played up. I could do it with minimal help from him even if it would take more time than what I allotted it. TIme I could spend on my other projects.

"Oh com'on. You know that time is way too much for the project. You're just paranoid." The popular guy joins our glaring contest.

I sniff in disdain, "It's better than rushing. Besides, I respect the professor, you know that." 

"I know, I really do," he placates. "But I like this girl, very bold."

The girl's eyes spark with triumph. My eyes formed slits of their own accord. Fine, I could go along with his joke. I clutch my chest and turn to him.

"Ren!  I'm not bold enough for you?" I gasp, adding puppy eyes.

"Oh honey, no. You're more than enough," He rushes to my side and clasps my hand, smiling gently. His eyes sparkle with amusement. "I just want to know Anna here a bit more, is all," he adds, after a faux soul-searching look at me.

He turns to said girl and grins. "Meet me tomorrow in McDonald's at 12 noon."

He then drags me out of the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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