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Chapter One

Kili and Fili were on look out while the company set up camps by one of those long rivers that seemed to travel on for hours. Thorin and Bilbo were down by that river, collecting water for boiling to prepare the food. Everyone had knowing smiles on their faces when they saw the duo walk of together, they all knew about the relationship between the hobbit and the king dwarf. Bofur smirked and helped to make shelter with Oin and Dori, who had the same smile on their lips.

“You do know that the company can see right past our secret Thorin.” Bilbo said, and Thorin shrugged as he filled the containers with the clean water. “Well, we did a terrible job at hiding our feelings.” He replied and the small hobbit laughed as he too obtained some water, Thorin had a playful smile on his face and crept up silently behind the unknowing creature.


Bilbo was pushed off his feet into the cold water, water splashing back and getting the normally grumpy dwarf. “Damn it Thorin!” Bilbo spluttered and quickly got out of the deep water with much trouble, he was annoyed with his other half now. “You know I cannot swim.” He said and took of his jacket and shirt to rinse them dry enough so he wouldn’t catch a cold. Thorin apologised, but he could barely contain his laugher as the look of Bilbo’s face when he fell back into his head.

“Sorry, little one, I wouldn’t have let you drown.” He said and Bilbo sighed knowing that he was unable to remain angry at Thorin, so he started to laugh. “I will get you back for that.” He said and Thorin raised an eyebrow. “Really?” Bilbo just rolled his eyes and looked behind his king. “We best be getting back we have been way to long as it is, they will begin to fret.” Thorin agreed and smiled a little when he noticed the hobbit shivering from the cold. He took of his fur coat and placed it around Bilbo, who looked like a small child in it. As the neared the camp site, Kili and Fili had switched look out with Dwaine and Bofur, reluctantly anyway. “Aww, doesn’t our thief look adorable in uncle’s coat?” Fili whispered to his brother, though Bilbo had heard and sent the two brothers a warning look. 

“Tomorrow we set of at first light.” Thorin declared, and there were a few annoyed and tired groans but the king just decided to ignore them and smiled down at his hobbit. “Go and get changed into something warmer, so you do not fall ill.” Bilbo nodded his head and disappeared into one of the handmade huts. “What happened to Mr Baggins?” Kili questioned, seeing Bilbo dripping wet with river water and a sly smile on Thorin’s bearded face. “He fell in the river.” Fili scoffed, “You pushed him didn’t you?”

“Bofur, how is everything over there?” Kili and Fili laughed at their uncle changed the subject and walked away from them.

Though, at that moment, a certain enemy attacked from the side that was being unlooked and unguarded. Oin was the first to notice the large creatures, so he yelled as loud as he could to alarm his fellow members. “Orcs!” He screamed as he reached for his sword and noticed that the others did the same thing. Kili and Fili grabbed their swords, beginning their attack on the closest Orcs that were near them, killing without mercy.

Remaining Orcs were slashing their way through the small huts and taking any weapon that they could find. The last hut they ransacked was Thorin’s and Bilbo’s, and they emerged with the tiny hobbit in their arms. Azog, their great Orc leader, smirked and was handed the tiny creature. “Stop or I’ll kill this little pet!” His voice boomed in the almost empty field, causing everyone to stop their fighting within seconds.

“Orcs! Bind them and bring them closer!” Azog climbed of his creature, holding the hobbit by his hair and walked towards the group of angry dwarfs. “You were the first to stop for this burden.” Azog said darkly to Thorin, who was aching to get out of his ropes. Bilbo was thrown to the ground and ropes restrained his arms behind his back, and he hissed in pain. Azog pulled Bilbo’s head back by his hair and dragged him close to his friends.

“Say goodbye, hobbit.”

Bilbo was trembling at the evil inside of the Orc’s voice and he could see the fear in Thorin’s eyes. The hobbit was thrown to one of the Orcs and was taken away from the company, he screamed for the evil creatures to let him go but he hand was wrapped around his mouth to shut him up.

“Bilbo!” Thorin’s scream reached his ears, and the heartbreak in his voice brought tears to his eyes, and the leaked down his pale cheeks, Orcs around him laughed and mocked him. And the last thing he heard before a white pain hit his head was Thorin screaming his name in fear and despair.

Then blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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