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Christmas is NOT the most wonderful time of the year. I hate Christmas because every time it would come around, I would have to deal with my family. Most people would think I'm crazy for saying this, but I would much rather be at school dealing with annoying people in my grade. After going through 3 years of high school, you would think I would want to graduate. The truth was, I had no idea what I want to do when I get out of high school. The problem with that is, my parents won't let me go to college until I know what I'm going for. That would mean spending how ever long after graduation with my family. 24/7. I've been pretty lucky to have a "rich" family. I hate saying it though. I sound ungrateful when I say that I don't want to live with them. Look, I get it, some people have it way worse than I do. My parents get me the things I need, but they seem to try and buy my love. Let me tell you, money can not buy happiness. No matter how much money my parents have, I won't be happy with the way they treat me. They are constantly focusing on their work and paying no attention to me, unless I get into trouble at school. It doesn't seem logical, but if I get into trouble, my parents will notice that I'm still alive. Every night, our maid cooks dinner and my entire family eats in their rooms. My sister Kelsey, who is 15, just talks about boys all the time. My older sister Frankie, who is 20, is in college and never comes to visit. I wish she would though because she seems to be the only sensible one in my family. I told her that I was bisexual and she accepted me for who I was. I could never come out to my parents. My uncle came out as gay, and my entire family disowned him. Coming out would get me kicked out, and a lot of attention, but I would have no where to go.

I may get into a lot of trouble at school, but I get straight A's. I have to because as soon as I figure out what I want to go to college for, I want to be accepted quickly to get away from my family. Having good grades and doing a lot of extra schooling looks good on an application. I have a big passion in music, but my parents think it's just a stupid phase and won't let me go to college for it. I like to write songs anyways. I also taught myself bass and piano, but my parents never want to listen.

I do have friends, a lot actually. They're all fake though. I only have one real friend, and I feel like that's just how it is in high school. My only friend is Breezy. She's the only person that I know that isn't fake at my school. I get along with everyone, I just hate them all. I like to spend my time inside on Instagram or Tumblr. Breezy and I like to look at people from my school's instagram and make fun of their stupid shitty captions and laugh at them. I'm kind of a terrible person, but I don't bully these people. I don't make up rumors, or tell anyone their secrets they have trusted me with. I just like to laugh at them being basic with Breezy.

I love listening to music, and thats usually how I block out the annoying people in the hallways. I also feel like they might be intimidated by me, I am 6'3 and only 17. I hate being tall, but also love it. No one in my family is really as tall as me. My parents always get cars that are too small for my legs. They're so long that I have to sit in the front seat if I go anywhere when I'm not driving. This usually puts my mom in the back seat. I don't mind, except my dad never tries to make conversation even though I'm right there. I like it though because people leave me alone. They don't really talk to me unless they have to, and they aren't mean to me either which is a plus.

Like I was saying before, I hate Christmas. Every year it's the same.  My grandparents and cousins come over, it gets hectic, my aunt always cries after watching 3 Christmas movies and talks about her dead husband, my 16 year old cousin Dan annoys Kelsey, my 10 year old cousins talk about their x-box and 'hot' girls in their grade, all the adults talk about politics or something, Frankie doesn't show until late because she has friends, and I just stay in my room watching Dan and Phil like the trash I am until Breezy calls and comes over for about an hour. This year was no different. When we open our presents, I always get the same thing. I get new shirts and new pants, and pants that are a little big because I'm probably going to grow over the summer. And then on December 27th, everyone goes home and the house is quiet again. After I said goodbye to everyone, I went back upstairs and got all the homework my teachers gave me and then I watched more Dan and Phil until I've rewatched all their videos and before I know it, school has started again. The first day back from break always sucks. I'm always tired and just want to sleep through my first two classes. A lot of people are stressing out because they didn't do the homework they were assigned, but I'm struggling to stay awake.

I'm practically asleep when my teacher, Mr. Skinner, yells my name and I jerk up. Apparently there's a new kid and I'm assigned a new lab partner. He sits down next to me and I silently examine him. He's kinda short with dark hair that seems to be styled perfectly, he's wearing tight black jeans and a white shirt with a weird leather jacket. His shoes are just plain black high-top converse. 'Must be an emo' I thought. He's also wearing dark glasses and is very pale. He's basically the same shade as his shirt. Overall, I would say he's pretty hot. I put my head back down because Mr. Skinner is just checking homework and I'm all the way in the back and am usually the last one to get checked off.


hi this is dallas from the future to let you know these chapters get like 4 times longer and it switches into 3rd person okay have fun reading okay bye

HEY So, my other fic was kind of really sad and so I decided to write one with more comedy in it because I love fics that have comedy in them. But yeah, so this is my first chapter of this one. If you couldn't tell, it's in Dallon's POV :) I'm having a lot of fun so far writing it, and I hope you guys enjoy this one :) Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter (@dallasweekes) if you want.

- Dallas

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