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I got home from school dreading the next day of Breezy and Brendon telling me how much fun they had on their dates. I was happy for both of them, really, I just didn't want to hear what they did when they both abandoned me. I set my backpack down carefully in my room and walked over to my bed. I plugged in my phone before drifting off. I woke up to my phone buzzing loudly. I picked it up and checked the time. 5:26. My phone started buzzing again and I checked to see an incoming call from Breezy. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Finally!" She said sighing. "Did you see Brendon with Jared Leto?"

"I don't even know him, isn't he like a sophmore?"

"Yeah, and really conservative!"

"No way, he asked Brendon out tonight."

"Yeah I know, he's as straight as it gets. Trust me, I know."

"Wait. Do you think he's going to do something to Brendon?"

"Yes! I have no idea where they would have gone."

"The old drive in! They're seeing Curse of the Black Pearl, he was getting dinner at Wendy's at 5. They're probably there already."

"I'll call Ashley. Come pick us up."

"Okay, I'll also get Ash and Patrick." I hung up the phone and went into my mom's bedroom and grabbed my keys from her table. I realized that she was sitting on her bed too late. 

"Where are you going?"

"I need to help a friend, he's in danger. Please mom, I'm serious." I looked at her with pleading eyes and I saw her expression soften.

"Go." I ran outside and sped down the road, Ashton only lived a little ways away and Patrick was thankfully already at his house. I drove to Breezy's house and picked up her and Ashley. I sped to the old drive in, somehow not getting pulled over. I quickly payed for a movie I wasn't even going to watch and parked my car. I quickly got out and we all started searching for Brendon. I saw a group of what can only be described as "fuck boys" huddled in a group all laughing. I saw one pull someone up off the ground and punch them in their face. They shoved the kid back on the ground, that's when I realized the kid was Brendon. 

"Hey!" I yelled and ran over to them, everyone following me now noticing Brendon too. I pushed Jared to the ground and punched him across the face. I felt hands pry me off of Jared, and I fought trying to attack Jared again as I started at his sly smirk as he wiped blood from his lip. I was pulled off the ground and pushed back. 

"Don't worry," One of his fuck boy minions said. "We're done with your faggot." They helped Jared up, who spit at my feet. I went to jump on him again, but Patrick and Ashton pulled me back. They turned around and got into Jared's stupid ugly ass truck and drove off laughing. 

"Dallon!" Ashley called and I turned around. Brendon looked awful. My heart went from angry to hurt to angry again. I kneeled down to see if he was conscious. He left eye was swollen, and I noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses. His lip was bleeding and there were bruises on his cheek. I wanted to cry because he looked so hurt. I picked him up bridal-style.

"Find his glasses," I said to Ashton who nodded and started looking. I handed Ashley my keys and we headed over to the car. I sat in the front seat, keeping Brendon on my lap since there were only 5 seat belts. I instructed Ashley to Brendon's house and we quickly got out and knocked on the door. The door opened to a confused Taylor, and then her facial expression fell and she moved for us to get inside.

"Put him on the couch," She said. "What happened?"

"This kid Jared," Breezy said, soon filling her in as she rushed and got a wet washcloth in the kitchen. 

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