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I traced my hand along the interior of the car and sighed.

"What are you thinking about.?" My best friend Madelyn asked me

"I'm just afraid I guess." I said feeling the leather seat.

"You'll be okay." She said nudging me on the shoulder

"I guess." I said looking out the window

But will I be okay?

After what seemed like hours we pulled up to a small bland-looking tan house. I guess this is my new home... I sighed as Madelyn parked her car on the curb near the house. there's no turning back now. she opened her door and hopped out I got out shortly after she did. I walked around the the back of her car and she popped the trunk. revealing my mere three small suitcases filled with a few of my things. the rest is being drove down here in a moving van by my father. he should be here in about three days.

I let out another big sigh as I picked up two of the suitcases and set them on the sidewalk Madelyn picked up the third one and set it next to the others.

I stopped for a second to look up at the house. it was an ugly shade of tan. it was in desperate need of a repaint, the paint of the sides of the house was chipping and cracked. some of the ceiling tiles had fallen off the roof and were now scattered along the lawn. the lawn had absolutely no grass growing on It. the dirt was very dry and covered with anthills and dry yellow ugly looking grass.

"it didn't quite look this way online.." I looked over at Madelyn and she laughed

"maybe next time don't buy a house online at a price that seems just too good to be true."

I punched her arm lightly. "point taken. plus I'm only living here until I can make enough money from my new job to upgrade. but until then I think I could paint and maybe try to grow some grass in the mini deseert of a lawn." I chuckled and she smiled.

"lets go check out the inside." she suggestest and I laughed

"okay, okay." I reached into my pokets  then I realized it. "uhhh, I um lost my key.."

she put her hands and her hips and furrowed her eyebrows "you lost . your key?"

"yeah" I lauhed "i'll just call the realter, I'm sure she'll bring us a new one."

"she better be able to." or your going to be sleeping in the desert." she motioned to the lawn while smiling and I laughed.

after about an hour a black car pulled up and a small lady hopped out. she walked over to us sitting in my driveway and smiled.

"Emma?" she said smiling to reveal her perfectly white teeth.

"yup that's me." I said my cheeks turning a dark crimson.

she handed me my new key and told me to be carful with where I leave it as this is not the safest neighborhood in L.A. then she hopped in her car and sped away leaving me and Madelyn in my driveway.

"now lets go inside." I said walking to the sidewalk to retrieve my bags.

we walk up onto the porch which was surprisingly very stable and didn't look like it was rotting at all.

I put the key into the lock and turned it slightly the I pulled the key out and turned the handle to the door I push the door open with a loud creek. once inside I searched around for a lightswitch and once I found it I flicked it upward. light filled the house and I couldn't be more pleased. the house didn't look anything like it did on the outside. when the outside was all rotting and disgusting but the inside of the house was very modern and nice-looking

"wow." Madelyn gasped taking in the scenery.

"I know." I breathed

"can we look around." she said almost as if she was begging.

"of course." I giggled

luckly this house came with furniture because i didn't have that much to begin with i only really had things for my room along with dishes and silver ware.

this house had a kitchen two living rooms three bathrooms and two bedrooms and a large unfinished basement.

after about an hour of checking everything out me and Madelyn sat down on my new living room floor and ate our newly delivered pizze.

"you scored big with this house, i thought it was going to be ugly on the inside just like it was on the outside."

"me too." i said taking a bite into the warm slice of pizza i had just grabbed from the greasy box

"like this is almost too good to be true." she laughed "something is definitely off here. now we just have the figure out what."

I suddenly got an uneasy feeling about what she said and it started to make sense but i was snapped out of my thoughts to Madelyn talking.

"I bet you they have rats." she said pointing her finger up as if she just discovered something.

I laughed and the uneasy feeling subsided.

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